
Global Business School for Health


Unleashing healthcare innovation: interviewing the winning team of Dragons' Den Final at GBSH

5 July 2023

Dive into our latest piece, where our ambassador, Intan, chats with the winners of the Dragons' Den competition at Global Business School for Health, revealing how they're revolutionising healthcare.


In a world where innovation is crucial to enhancing healthcare, the Global Business School for Health (GBSH) hosted its inaugural Dragon's Den Competition. This prestigious event brought together postgraduate students from across the UK higher education sphere, who presented innovative business ideas aimed at improving healthcare. 

Among the ten exceptional finalists, the Cogniverse team emerged as the winner, capturing the hearts and minds of both the esteemed panel of Dragons and the audience. I had the privilege of interviewing one of the members of the Cogniverse team – Sai Krishna Prabha from UCL, to gain insights into their winning business idea and their future plans.


What is your business idea (Cogniverse)? What is it all about?

The Cogniverse team aims to revolutionise medical training through the use of virtual reality (VR). Their business idea revolves around creating immersive VR experiences specifically designed for doctors, students, and patients. By utilising cutting-edge technology, Cogniverse offers a platform that provides realistic scenarios, simulating various medical situations. This immersive training allows medical professionals and students to practice complex procedures and gain valuable experience in a safe and controlled environment. Moreover, Cogniverse intends to develop VR programs for patients, offering educational experiences that enhance their understanding of medical conditions and treatment options.

How much time did you need in preparation to win?

"We had the idea from 6 months prepared for dragons’ den from at least 2 months."
To achieve their success, the Cogniverse team invested six months in developing their business idea. They dedicated at least two months specifically to preparing for the Dragons' Den Competition. This significant amount of time allowed them to refine their concept, gather essential data, and develop a strong pitch to impress the judges.

Any advice for future finalists?

"Seek feedback from industry experts and implement them; always be curious."
When asked about advice for future finalists, the Cogniverse team emphasised the importance of seeking feedback from industry experts. They stressed the value of incorporating expert insights and recommendations into the development process. By embracing curiosity and continuously learning, future finalists can refine their ideas and improve their chances of success. The team also highlighted the significance of being open to constructive criticism and adapting their ideas based on market needs and trends.

What are the plans for Cogniverse in the future?

"We are planning to establish the company in the UK, actively looking for grants and funding opportunities to initiate our business."
Looking ahead, the Cogniverse team plans to establish their company in the UK. They are actively seeking grants and funding opportunities to kickstart their business operations. By securing financial support, they aim to develop their VR platform further and expand their offerings to reach a wider audience. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations with healthcare institutions, they aspire to make a significant impact in medical education and patient care.

The Dragons' Den Final at the Global Business School for Health showcased the remarkable talent and innovation among postgraduate students in the UK. The winning team, Cogniverse, impressed the judges and audience with their VR-based medical training concept. The Dragons' Den Competition serves as a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas, receive valuable feedback, and pursue their dreams of creating positive change in healthcare.
