UCL GBSH Feature: Spotlight on Female Deans
14 October 2021
Economist Education reports on the appointment of health and international development economist Nora Colton as the director at the brand-new UCL Global Business School for Health.

In this article, UCL Global Business School for Health (UCL GBSH) programme director Professor Nora Colton is interviewed by the Economist Education on her role within the UCL GBSH.
The article explores Nora's early career, including her doctorate in ecomomics from the University of Oxford, her fellowship at Harvard University and visiting professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China before becoming interested in the health sector.
Nora explains to the interviewer, “I realised that issues around health and healthcare are not just reserved for low and middle-income countries. Demographic changes such as ageing, lifestyle changes leading to non-communicable diseases, social and environmental determinants of health, and health inequalities all make the challenges around healthcare much more common across the world than we often like to admit.”
Hence, Nora is very excited to be leading the UCL GBSH and begin building the future of health leaders, espeically though the UCL MBA Health programme which blends world class academia with practical business skills. Nora expressed, “I can’t think of a more worthy thing to be doing.”