New guidance on engaging with the EU as a researcher
27 October 2022
The European Institute has published new guidance on engaging with EU policymaking post-Brexit, intended for early to mid-career researchers across the disciplines.
The guidance note provides an introduction to EU policymaking and the formal structures for science advice within the EU. It also includes information, advice and guidance on the different forms of engagement (from expert advisory groups to consultancy opportunities); resources for staying up to date on opportunities at EU level; and case studies of impactful European policy engagement at UCL.
This builds on a recent workshop on the same subject convened by the European Institute, Public Policy and Global Engagement on 21 October 2022, with presentations from Ian Catlow, Head of London’s European Office, Toby Wardman, Head of Communications for Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) and Alex Wilson, EU Energy Policy Specialist at the European Parliament Research Service (EPRS).
Contributions from external speakers were complemented by insights from UCL academics with experience in the field, Professor Slavo Radošević, UCL SSEES; Dr Michael Veale, UCL Faculty of Laws; and Professor Claire Colomb, The Bartlett.
You can access the guidance note here:
You can access Ian Catlow and Toby Wardman’s slides here:
The workshop and guidance note were run in the context of a broader project to facilitate international policy engagement at UCL, run by UCL European Institute, UCL Global Engagement and UCL Public Policy.
If you would like to learn more about or contribute to this project, please contact the project leads Lucy Shackleton ( and Elinor Kruse (