
UCL European Institute


Europe's Present Discontents

08 February 2016, 12:00 am


Event Information

Open to


8 February 2016, 6.00-8.00pm 
Enormous and as yet unresolved governance challenges loom large for the European Union. Since the beginning of the Euro crisis, the Union has been transformed in many ways, but the prospects for the deepening of European integration have become more uncertain.

8 February 2016

Common Ground
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)
Wilkins Building
Gower Street



This roundtable event will take up these questions by discussing two recently published books: Beyond the Crisis: The Governance of Europe's Economic, Political and Legal Transformation, edited by Mark Dawson, Henrik Enderlein, and Christian Joerges (OUP) and Citizens in Europe: Essays on Democracy, Constitutionalism and European Integration by Ulrich Preuß and Claus Offe (ECPR Press). Beyond the Crisis identifies the major challenges to euro governance focusing particular on questions of political legitimacy. Citizens in Europe is a collection of essays by a constitutionalist and a political sociologist examining how fragmented societies can be held together by appropriate and effective constitutional arrangements providing for bonds of democratic citizenship.

Have the transformations in Eurozone governance contributed to greater political legitimacy, or have they instead put a strain on what was already a fragile system?  Are there reforms that would enhance legitimacy, and if not what is the prospect for the euro, the Eurozone and indeed the future of the Union itself?

Roundtable participants include Mark Dawson, Michelle EversonChristian JoergesUlrich Preuß, and Kalypso Nicolaïdis. Chaired by Albert Weale

For any questions, please contact Claudia Sternberg.

Hosted by UCL's European Institute and Institute of Advanced Studies.
