Drones and Unmanned Aircraft Flying
You are prohibited to fly your drone on the UCL Estate whether for academic, commercial or for fun; unless you have been authorised by UCL Estate.
Drones are commonly known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) / Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) / Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) are now widely available for commercial and recreational use. Drones can cause injury or damage if they are not used responsibly and so are subject to complex safety rules, which are underpinned by UK law.
For due diligence Drone flight operations on UCL property must be undertaken by an individual or organisations that holds a CAA authorisation.
To obtain a permit the drone operator has to demonstrate their competence, provided safe flight operating arrangements, procedures and appropriate insurance cover.
The regulation has changed from 31 December 2020, in respect to UAS identification of both device and operators and who can fly them and where you can fly them.
Drone authorisation form
Please complete a Drone authorisation form, attaching copies of:
- the drone operator’s authorisation for Specific category flights [the CAA authorisation to conduct the flight operator / company to fly within a congested area];
- the drone operator specific insurance cover and third party liability cover for the specific category flight;
- a safety arrangements / risk assessment, method statement (RAMS) to demonstrate sufficient local safety measures have considered and demonstrated to ensure drone operations will not endanger people or property;
- operating location, time periods other relevant information provided (i.e. the exact location, time period and parameters for the flight operations);
Completed forms need to be sent to fire@ucl.ac.uk for processing and information distribution to relevant parties.
> Electronic version for UCL staff (UCL login required)
> pdf version for external requests
Last updated: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Related information
> See the latest edition of CAA CAP 722 and CAP2003 (CAA Publications)
> For drone safety information visit the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) caa.co.uk/drones
> For drone safety information from NATS please go to nats.aero/airspace/drones/
> For the commercial site Drone Safe Register go to dronesaferegister.org.uk/