


Report an Incident

All incidents should be reported to Safety Services as soon as possible either through the RiskNet tool or InsideUCL.

Accidents and incidents

If you have experienced an accident or incident, please report it using the link below.

Open Reporting On InsideUCL

Definitions and examples

Accident: An event that results in damage or loss, injury or ill-health (reported as staff injury/student injury/damage or loss). Examples include: a personal injury such as a slip resulting in a cut or a broken bone

Incident: An event that may or may not result in damage or loss, injury, or ill-health. Examples include: wet floors without adequate signage.


Hazard observationNear missAccident

You see a ladder with a broken step

You are using a ladder and almost step on a broken stepYou are using a ladder and you step on a broken step and fall which results in you hurting your foot
You see something hanging off the edge of a high shelfSomething falls off a high shelf and lands right next to youSomething falls off a high shelf and hits you on the head which results in you sustaining a cut to your head
You see equipment that is leaking waterYou almost slip on a puddle of water caused by leaking equipmentYou slipped on a puddle of water caused by leaking equipment which results in you hurting your back