
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care



Organisations that the UCL Research and Disability Centre works with.

Working Partners 


The Washington Group: Working in support of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, the UCL International Disability Centre administers funding from the Deusche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) that helps the Washington Group train governments, civil society organisations and researchers on the collection and analysis of disability data. For more information, click here

The Global Disability Innovation Hub: The Centre is a  partner of the GDI Hub, collaborating on issues on innovation and dissemination particularly as these relate to disability and development.

Leonard Cheshire: The Centre continues its relationship with the UK Charity Leonard Cheshire through a collaborating partnership between UCL and Leonard Cheshire.  We currently are working with Leonard Cheshire on the Marie Stopes’ DFID funded project ‘Understanding disabled women’s Experiences of Attitudinal Barriers towards Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in Sierra Leone.’