Led by Professor Naomi Fulop. This group uses qualitative and quantitative research methods to study service organisation and improvement across a range of health and care settings.
Meet the Team
- Professor Naomi Fulop
- Dr Angus Ramsay
- Dr Holly Walton
- Dr Rachel Lawrence
- Stephanie Kumpunen
- Pei Li Ng
- Holly Elphinstone
- Saheli Gandhi
Current projects
- RSET: The Rapid Service Evaluation Team
- Using artificial intelligence in chest dianostics for lung disease
- Maternity & neonatal independent senior advocates: a rapid mixed methods evaluation
- CONCORD 2: Research to support evidence building and the evaluation of the UK Rare Diseases Framework with respect to care co-ordination
- IMP2ART: IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine
- PHOTONIC: PreHOspital Triage for potential stroke patients: lessONs from systems Implemented in response to COVID19
- Project HERCULES: Healthcare Exemplar For Recovery From COVID-19 By Use Of Linear Examination Systems
PhD project
Completed projects
- METRO 24/7: Mixed methods analysis of the London Hyperacute Stroke System: identifying lessons on 24/7 working
- KMR Fellowship: Mobilising evidence on stroke service organisation
- Mixed methods evaluation of a hospital group model using an embedded research approach
- Safety netting in primary care
- HeLPA: Healthcare leadership with political astuteness
- EMBEDDED: Optimising the impact of health services research on the organisation and delivery of health services: a study of embedded models of knowledge co-production in the NHS
- RESPECT- 21: Reorganising specialist cancer surgery for the 21st century: a mixed methods evaluation
- CONCORD: CoOrdiNated Care Of Rare Diseases
- Stroke: Innovations in major system reconfiguration in England: a study of the effectiveness, acceptability and processes of implementation of different models of stroke care
- QUASER Project
- iQUASER: Implementation and evaluation of a guide for NHS boards to develop their quality improvement (QI) strategies
- Using qualitative methods to understand the patient/GP conversation
- ERT: UCLH Embedded Research Team
- DECIDE: DEcisions in health Care to Introduce or Diffuse innovations using Evidence
- FLU: Evaluating the implementation of vaccinating school-aged children against seasonal influenza