Background: Hospital group models represent an organisational form that aims to bring together multiple provider organisations with a central headquarters and unified leadership responsible for locally managed operating units, standardised systems and a value-set shared across the group. These models seek to improve outcomes by reducing unwarranted variations in care provision and reducing costs through economies of scale. There is limited evidence on the impact and processes of implementing these models, so this study aims to evaluate one case study of a hospital group model. Design and methods: We will conduct a formative, mixed-methods evaluation using an embedded research approach to analyse the implementation of the model and its impact on outcomes and costs.
Dissemination: Findings will be shared at regular time points to inform the implementation of the model. The evaluation will also generate: an evaluation framework to evaluate future changes; recommendations for meaningful baseline data and measuring improvement; identification of implementation costs and potential cost-savings; and lessons for the National Health Service on implementing these models. Principal Investigator: Professor Naomi Fulop Project Staff: Professor Steve Morris Dr Angus Ramsay Dr Estela Capelas-Barbosa Dr Cecilia Vindrola Funder: Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Start Date: October 2017 Project Duration: 2.5 years Contact: Further Information: