
UCL Department of Economics


2015-16 Candidates

Mario Alloza

Economist, Bank of Spain
Job Market Paper: "The Impact of Taxes on Income Mobility"
Supervisors: Morten Ravn, Vincent Sterk, Liam Graham, Raffaella Giacomini

Eleni Aristodemou

Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Job Market Paper: "Semiparametric Identification in Panel Data Discrete Response Models"
Supervisors: Andrew Chesher, Adam Rosen, Lars Nesheim

Laura Blow

Assistant Professor, University of Surrey
Job Market Paper: "Nonparametric Analysis of Time-Inconsistent Preferences"

Simon Gorlach

Assistant Professor, Bocconi University
Job Market Paper: "Borrowing Constraints, Migrant Selection, and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migration"
Supervisors: Uta Schoenberg, Christian Dustmann

Ines Helm

Assistant Professor, Stockholm University
Job Market Paper: "National Industry Trade Shocks, Local Labor Markets and Agglomeration Spillovers"
Supervisors: Christian Dustmann, Uta Schoenberg, Eric French

Eeva Mauring

Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
Job Market Paper: "Learning from Trades"
Supervisors: Martin Cripps, Jan Eeckhout

Myra Mohnen

Assistant Professor, University of Essex
Job Market Paper: "Stars and Brokers: Peer Effects among Medical Scientists"
Supervisors: Imran Rasul, Uta Schoenber, Antoine Dechezleprete

Sandra Polania-Reyes

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Notre Dame, Indiana US
Job Market Paper: "Disentangling Social Capital Lab-in-the-Field Evidence on Coordination, Networks and Cooperation"
Supervisors: Orazio Attanasio, Syngjoo Choi

Bryony Reich

Kellogg School of Management-Strategy , Northwestern University
Job Market Paper: "The Diffusion of Innovations in Social Networks"
Supervisors: Andrew Chesher, Sanjeev Goyal, Alberto Alesina

Alireza Sepahsalari

Assistant Professor, University of Bristol
Job Market Paper: "Financial Frictions and Labour Market Outcomes"
Supervisors: Morten Raven, Jan Eeckhout, Fabien Postel-Vinay

Alexandros Theloudis

Post-doctoral research economist position, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research
Job Market Paper: "Wages and Family Time Allocation"
Supervisors: Richard Blundell, Ian Preston, Eric French, Valerie Lechene

Lukas Wenner

Post-Doctoral Researcher , University of Cologne
Job Market Paper: "Exploiting Biased Beliefs - A Laboratory Investigation"
Supervisors: Steffen Huck, Syngjoo Choi