
UCL Department of Economics


Alireza Sepahsalari

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I am a macroeconomist with main interest in labour and financial market. In my research, I focus on, DSGE models with heterogeneous agents, frictional labour markets and credit markets, optimal unemployment insurance and firm dynamics. In my job market paper, I investigate the importance of credit market frictions on labour market outcomes in the UK during the great recession. In my other research, I analyse the impact of the assets distribution on the job search decision of workers in an environment with two sided heterogeneity and assortative matching.

  • Macroeconomics
  • Labour markets
  • DSGE Models with Heterogeneous Agents
        • Prof Morten Ravn (University College London)
        • Prof Jan Eeckhout (Universitat Pompeu Fabra and University College London)
        • Prof Fabien Postel-Vinay (University College London)