
Eastman Dental Institute


UCL Eastman Biobank

The UCL Eastman Biobank has been set up in order to make it easier to use redundant tissue for research and support Human Tissue Act standards for storage and disposal of relevant tissues and body fluids. Our hope is that this resource will ultimately lead to a better understanding of oral disease and the development of more effective therapies.

What is the UCL Eastman Biobank?

The Biobank is a collection of human material including saliva, plaque, teeth and other normal and diseased tissue from patients attending the Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals. Samples from the Biobank are used in ethically approved research.

Why have we set up the Biobank?

The purpose of the Biobank is to have tissue available, now and in the future, for research projects investigating oral and human disease and the normal functioning of the human body. The Biobank will primarily be for the use of scientists conducting research at UCL Eastman Dental Institute, however potentially it could be used by other scientists working within the UK, in the public or the private sector.

Only projects that fall under the described remit of the Biobank will be approved. Research will add to our overall understanding of human dental disease and the normal functioning of the mouth and human body. It may help us to design new ways to diagnose and treat dental disease.

What is involved for patients who take part?

Patients don't have to take part, and this will not affect their treatment in any way. If they do decide to take part they will be asked to sign a consent form. The biobank will store excess tissue left over after treatment that is not otherwise needed, saliva or plaque specimens may also be collected from patients. There are no advantages (or disadvantages) to participating but it may help others in the future. Donated tissue is considered to be a 'gift' to the Biobank.

Who organises and funds the Biobank?

The Biobank is overseen by the Biobank Ethical Review Committee. The cost of operating the Biobank is funded by the UCL Eastman Dental Institute.

The UCL Eastman Biobank has been given a favourable ethics opinion from the Yorkshire and the Humber - Leeds East Research Ethics Committee.

How can I find out more?

The UCL Eastman Biobank Management Protocol contains detailed information on how the Biobank will operate. It defines a management, operational, and ethical framework for the UCL Eastman Biobank and the scope and content of potential future research using samples held within the Biobank. You can also e-mail eastmanbiobank@ucl.ac.uk with any questions.

Information for investigators

Patients who decide to donate redundant tissue will be asked to sign a consent form. The tissue will then be stored in the Biobank and researchers can apply to use this tissue via a project request form. Donated tissue belongs to the Biobank, not the investigator collecting the tissue.

Withdrawing samples

Investigators wishing to use Biobank tissue samples need to apply to the Biobank Ethical Review Committee with applications typically taking 3-4 weeks from start to completion. Applicants will need to complete a project request form, provide a protocol and proof of funding, if applicable for lab work.

Approval and acknowledgements

The Biobank has received favourable opinion from the Yorkshire & The Humber - Leeds East Research Ethics Committee.