
UCL Earth Sciences



Departmental Research Seminar Series

Seminar time: Tuesday at 16:00
Location: Kathleen Lonsdale Building, Teaching Laboratory 126.
Seminar Organiser: Prof John Brodholt & Prof Peter Clift

We are back to face-to-face seminars in our large teaching lab (all seminars are also recorded). 

All members of the department should receive individual invitations via email - any problems please contact the seminar organisers.


Seminars - Term 1 (Autumn-Winter 2024)





01 OctPeter JohnsonJV AssociatesThe Arabian-Nubian shield: Insight into the evolution of a Neoproterozoic orogen
08 OctLouise SimeBritish Antarctic SurveyWhy was the Arctic sea ice free 127,000 years ago?
15 OctThomas GernonUniversity of SouthamptonSupercontinent breakup and the rise of diamonds
22 OctMarisa WoodUniversity of MunsterSound velocities in the lunar mantle: Presence of garnet in the deep lunar interior

29 Oct

Ben MillsUniversity of LeedsEarth evolution models and the composition of the atmosphere and oceans from billions of years in the past to millions of years in the future
12 NovLiz Gaunt & Phil BensonUniversity College LondonVolcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) 60th Anniversary Seminar
19 NovHuw DaviesCardiff UniversityConstraining mantle dynamics
26 NovSarah Finch Fighting UK oil and gas production through the court system
03 DecJames HammondBirkbeck, University of London TBC (seminar to be held in Birkbeck, University of London)
10 DecLouise ArcherUniversity College LondonASPIRES Research

Other Seminar Series 

London Geochemistry & Isotope Centre LOGIC) seminars Global Geophysics GoGo Research Seminar  
Apex Seminar Series