“To create a bridge between hazard scientists & exposed population as well as strengthening a two-way communications about hazards & interdependencies between the physical system & human societies.”
PhD project title:
Vulnerability to hydro-meteoroloigcal hazards : Interactive mapping solutions and enhanced data analysis and visualisation.
Project description:

Most of the research on hydro-meteorological hazards has focused on studying hazard characteristics. Although it is indeed crucial to model potential impact of hazards, it is also a necessity to evaluate the accessibility to these models and how they have been disseminated within mitigation procedures, resilience program at a very fine scale.
The reaction of the affected population to the impact of a hazard is determined by what has been understood and the efforts that have been made upstream in the prevention cycle. It is therefore crucial to help key stakeholders to understand the nature of hazard’s impacts, the interconnection between the physical world and human societies at various spatial and temporal scales.
The recent rise of web GIS platform and remote sensing images as well as citizen sciences procedures is changing the classic top-bottom communication during extreme events. In addition, sharing geospatial data transformed disaster response in incorporating a wide range of participation. These technologies and services help to visualise areas at stakes, interconnectivities and provide essential information in preventing some cascading effects.