“Notosuchians were an incredibly diverse group of crocodylomorphs during the Cretaceous”
PhD project title:
The Evolution and Biogeographic History of Notosuchian Crocodylomorphs.
Project description:

My project will focus on determining the phylogenetic interrelationships of Notosuchia by undertaking first-hand study of specimens in museum collections around the world, and developing novel character data for the notosuchian skeleton. Once this dataset is complete, phylogenetic analyses will be implemented within a Parsimony and Bayesian framework, and the resultant trees will be used to analyse macroevolutionary patterns in notosuchians, including: (1) the biogeographic history of the group, including the incorporation of possible geographic and climatic barriers to dispersal; and (2) correlates of survival versus extinction in species across the K/Pg boundary, 66 Ma.