King's Fund
As part of the King's Fund's briefing paper, 'Mental Health Under Pressure', the data obtained from our review of 75 crisis teams was used to highlight the variability in service delivery and performance by crisis teams, particularly their ability to respond quickly to those in crisis, staffing levels, frequency of visits, and mix of professions within teams.
NHS England
The CORE Study has supported NHS England's Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat in the following ways:
- The study's systematic review informed NHS England's crisis care rapid evidence synthesis.
- Benchmarking data from the CORE CRT manager' survey and fidelity survey shared with NHS England.
- The CORE CRT Fidelity Scale is support by NHS England as a means to support quality improvement in CRT team, and is also available to download from their website.
The CORE CRT fidelity review is also recommended in the NHS England London Strategic Clinical Network "London Mental Health Crisis Commissioning Guide"
In 2016, Prof. Sonia Johnson and Dr. Brynmor Lloyd-Evans contributed findings from the CORE study to expert reference groups for the development of NHS England's standards for urgent and emergency care and acute care, developed for the Achieving Better Access initiative.
Care Quality Commission
Benchmarking data from the CORE CRT fidelity survey and CRT fidelity criteria were shared with the CQC to inform their Mental Health Crisis Care Report and their recent 'Right Here Right Now' report on the quality of crisis care across the country.
Royal College of Psychiatrists- College Centre for Quality Improvement
The CORE study has supported the College CRT quality improvement programme (HTAS- The Home Treatment Accreditation Scheme) in the following ways:
- CORE CRT national mapping data shared with HTAS.
- Joint CORE CRT/HTAS accreditation reviews piloted in 2 CRTs.
- CORE presentations at HTAS conferences 2014 & 2015.
Royal College of Psychiatrists- Commission to review the provision of acute inpatient psychiatric care for adults
The Commission on Acute Adult Psychiatric Care was set up by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in response to concerns about the provision of acute inpatient psychiatric beds and alternatives to admission available for patients. The Commission published its report, "Old Problems, New Solutions" on Tuesday 9th February 2016. The report sets outs its findings and recommendations for England, and includes data from the CORE CRT fidelity survey:
NICE guidelines
The CORE study made contributions to the NICE Schizophrenia Guidelines (2014):
- Literature review on peer support for severe mental illness.
- Literature review on self-management for severe mental illness.
Mind Crisis Care Campaign
Data from the CORE Study was shared with Mind and used in their Crisis Care campaign.