Optimising the Functioning of Crisis Resolution Teams
A principal aim of the study is to help improve the functioning of Crisis Resolution Teams (CRTs). This was carried out in three stages:
Stage 1
Stage 1 focused on gathering evidence about best practice in CRT functioning. Literature about CRT practice and efficacy was reviewed; service user, carer and professional views about what constitutes good practice was collected; and a national survey of CRTs was carried out online and by telephone. This stage ran from 2011-2012 and the three results papers are all now published (systematic review, qualitative study of stakeholders' views, CRT national survey).
Stage 2
Stage 2 used the findings from stage 1 to develop a model of CRT best practice. An in-depth survey of 75 CRTs was carried out, and the evidence derived from this and stage 1 was used in the development of a resource pack. The resource pack supported teams to adhere to principles of best practice, measured by a fidelity scale. This stage ran from 2012-2014, and for more information see the following documents:
- Stage 2 trial protocol
- The CORE Fidelity Scale [pdf] which has been developed to assess CRT functioning. This is the second version of the scale
- All supporting documents [pdf] which are used in conjunction with the CORE Fidelity Scale as part of a Fidelity Review
Stage 3
Stage 3 explores whether higher CRT fidelity to the CORE model of best practice is associated with better outcomes for service functioning and user satisfaction. Higher team fidelity was facilitated through the provision of the resource pack developed in stage 2. This was tested in 25 crisis resolution teams (15 intervention, who received the resource kit, and 10 control who did not). This stage ran from 2014-2016, and for more information see the stage 3 trial protocol. Results will become available in 2018.