Below you will find papers arising from research conducted by the CORE study:
Lloyd-Evans, B., Paterson, B., Onyett, S., Brown, E., Istead, H., Gray, R., Henderson., and Johnson, S. (2017) National implementation of a mental health service model: A survey of Crisis Resolution Teams in England. International journal of mental health nursing. (Download a copy of this paper)
Morant, N., Lloyd-Evans, B., Lamb, D., Fullarton, K., Brown, E., Paterson, B., Istead, H., Kelly, K., Hindle, D., Fahmy, S. and Henderson, C. (2017). Crisis resolution and home treatment: stakeholders' views on critical ingredients and implementation in England. BMC psychiatry, 17(1), p.254. (Download a copy of this paper)
Lloyd-Evans, B., Bond, G.R., Ruud, T., Ivanecka, A., Gray, R., Osborn, D., Nolan, F., Henderson, C., Mason, O., Goater, N. and Kelly, K. (2016). Development of a measure of model fidelity for mental health Crisis Resolution Teams. BMC psychiatry, 16(1), p. 427. (Download a copy of this paper).
LLoyd-Evans, B., Fullarton, K., Lamb, D., Johnston, E., Onyett, S., Osborn, D., AMbler, G., Marston, L., Hunter, R., Mason, O., Henderson, C., Goater, N., Sllivan, S., Kelly, K., Gray, R., Nolan, F., Pilling, S., Bond G., and Johnson, S. (2016) The CORE Service Improvement Programme for mental health crisis resolution teams: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial, Trials, 17(1), 1 (Download a copy of this paper)
Wheeler, C., Lloyd-Evans, B., Churchland, A., Fitzgerald, C., Fullarton, K., Mosse, L., Paterson, B., Zugaro, C.G., and Johnson, S. (2015). Implementation of the Crisis Resolution Team model in adult mental health settings: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry, 15(1), 74 (Download a copy of this paper).
Lloyd-Evans, B., Mayo-Wilson, E., Harrison, B., Istead, H., Brown, E., Pilling, S.,...& Kendall, T. (2014). A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials of peer support for people with severe mental illness. BMC psychiatry, 14(1), 39. (Download a copy of this paper).
Lloyd-Evans, B. and Johnson, S. (2014) "Crisis Resolution Teams: how are they performing?" Mental Health Today June 2014: 18-19 (Download a copy of this paper).
The study has a number of papers currently being written, including a paper on the development of the CORE Fidelity Scale, the results of our nationwide evaluation of 75 crisis teams using the CORE Fidelity Scale, and the protocol paper for our Peer Support trial.
Related publications
The following publications are from research groups led by Prof. Sonia Johnson and are related to crisis care:
Johnson, S., Needle, J., Bindman, J.P., & Thornicroft, G. (2008) Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment in Mental Health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sweeney, A., Fahmy S., Nolan, F., Morant N., Fox, Z.,...Johnson, S.(2014) The Relationship Between Therapeutic Alliance and Service User Satisfaction in Mental Health Inpatient Wards and Crisis House Alternatives: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS One, 9(7). (Download a copy of this paper)
Byford, S., Sharac, J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D.P.J.,...& Slade, M. (2010) Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: readmissions, service use, and cost after discharge. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 20-25. (Download a copy of this paper)
Gilburt, H., Slade, M., Rose, D., Lloyd-Evans, B., Johnson, S., & Osborn, D.P.J. (2010) Service users' experiences of residential alternatives to standard acute wards: qualitative study of similarities and differences. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197,26-31. (Download a copy of this paper)
Lloyd-Evans, B., Johnson, S., Morant, N., Gilburt, H., Osborn, D.P.J.,...Slade, M. (2010) Alternatives to standard acute in-patient care in England: differences in content of care and staff patient contact. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 46-51. (Download a copy of this paper)
Osborn, D.P.J., Lloyd-Evans, B., Johnson, S., Gilburt, H., Byford, S.,...Slade, M. (2010) Residential alternatives to acute in-patient care in England: satisfaction, ward atmosphere, and service user experiences. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 41-45. (Download a copy of this paper)
Johnson, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Morant N., Gilburt, G., Shepherd M.,...Osborn, D.P.J.(2010). Alternatives to standard actute in-patient care in England: roles and populations served, British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 6-13. (Download a copy of this paper)
Johnson, S., Lloyd-Evans, B., Howard, L., Osborn, D.P.J., Slade, M. (2010). Where next with residential alternatives to admission? British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 52-54. (Download a copy of this paper)
Lloyd-Evans, B., Slade, M., Jagielska, D., Johnson, S. (2009) Residential Alternatives to acute psychiatric hospital admission: systematic review. British Journal of Psychiatry, 195, 109-117. (Download a copy of this paper)
Slade, M., Byford, S., Barrett., B Lloyd-Evans, B., Gilburt, D.P.J.,...& Johnson, S. (2009). Alternative to standard acute in-patient care in England: short term clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness. British Journal of Psychiatry, 197, 14-19. (Download a copy of this paper)
Johnson, S., Gilburt, H., Lloyd-Evans, B., Osborn, D.P.J., Boardman, J.,...& Slade, M. (2009) In-patient and residential alternatives to standard acute psychiatric wards in England. British Journal of Psychiatry, 194, 456-463. (Download a copy of this paper)
Johnson, S., Nolan, F., Pilling, S., Sandor, J., McKenzie, N.,...& Bebbington, R. (2005). Randomised controlled trial of acute mental health care by a crisis resolution team: the north Islington crisis study. BMJ, 331(7517), 599 (Download a copy of this paper).
Johnson, S., Nolan, F., Joult, J., White, I.R., Bebbington, P.,...Pilling, S. (2005). Outcomes of crises before and after introduction of a crisis resolution team. British Journal of Psychiatry, 187, 68-75. (Download a copy of this paper)