
The Constitution Unit has worked closely with governments and opposition parties of all persuasions in planning their constitutional reform programmes. For example, our study of Minority and Multi-Party Government in Canada, New Zealand and Scotland (2009) led to development of the UK Cabinet Manual in 2010. Professor Robert Hazell and Ben Yong then undertook a special study of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition and how it worked in its early years (2012).
Other projects have looked at specific sources of advice and expertise to government. These include Ben Yong and Robert Hazell’s detailed study of Special Advisers (2014), which also produced a handbook for new spads and other resources. Other studies have looked at Ministers from outside Parliament (2011) and the Role of Government Lawyers (2012-13), both by Ben Yong; and a project on the Role of Non-Executives in Whitehall (2018), led by three former senior civil servants.