
UCL Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology


Infectious diseases

Trials units within ICTM operate trials in a number of infectious diseases. Find out more about trials for individual diseases below.


The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL is involved in coordinating and running a number of major international clinical trials of antiretroviral therapy and HIV prevention, and  different treatment strategies. They also coordinate a number of national and international observational studies, in order to build an understanding of the progression of HIV and the longer-term effects of treatment.

Find out more about HIV and the work of the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL.

Studies currently being conducted in HIV at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL.

Tuberculosis (TB)

The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL conducts studies in both drug sensitive tuberculosis and multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis.

Studies conducted by the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL


The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL has so conducted various trials in influenza.

Studies conducted by the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL

Dermatological diseases

The MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL has conducted a number of studies relating to dermatological conditions:

BANDAGES LEG ULCERS IPD - a meta-analysis investigating which types of bandages are best to use for venous leg ulcers

BLISTER - a randomised trial investigating a skin disease called bullous pemphigoid

PATCH I & II - a randomised trial investigating the use of penicillin to reduce attacks of cellulitis of the leg

SWET - a randomised trial investigating whether water softeners could relieve the symptoms of eczeme in children with moderate to sever eczema.