
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology


Placement dates for all trainee cohorts 

Dates of placements & Schedule for return of placement paperwork


2013 Intake

  Start date End date Placement contract submitted by: Supervisor & Trainee feedback forms and Clinical Log must be submitted by:
PLACEMENT 5 Mon 28th
September 2015
Friday 18th March 2016 Mon 26th October 2015 Tuesday 29th March 2016*
PLACEMENT 6 Monday 21st March 2016 Thursday 22nd September 2016 Monday 18th April
Monday 12th September 2016*

Submission requirements for a 12-month placement:
a) Supervisors: At the mid-point of the placement (i.e. after approximately 6 months) supervisors should submit the "Supervisor's Feedback Form for use at the mid-point of a one-year placement". At the end of the placement they should submit the "standard Supervisors feedback form". If unclear about which forms to use, see Section 16 of the Training Handbook, which describes which forms supervisors need to use, and when they need to use them

b) Trainees: The Clinical Portfolio should be submitted at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of the placement. Only one copy of the Trainee Feedback need be submitted, at the end of the 1-year placement.

2014 Intake

  Start date End date Placement contract submitted by: Supervisor & Trainee feedback forms and Clinical Log must be submitted by:
PLACEMENT 3 Monday 5th October 2015 Friday 18th March 2016 Monday 2nd November 2015 Friday 1st April 2016
Monday 21st March 2016 Friday 23rd September 2016 Monday 18th April
Friday 30th September 2016

Submission requirements for a 12-month placement:
a) Supervisors: At the mid-point of the placement (i.e. after approximately 6 months) supervisors should submit the "Supervisor's Feedback Form for use at the mid-point of a one-year placement". At the end of the placement they should submit the "standard Supervisors feedback form". If unclear about which forms to use, see Section 16 of the Training Handbook, which describes which forms supervisors need to use, and when they need to use them

b) Trainees: The Clinical Portfolio should be submitted at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of the placement. Only one copy of the Trainee Feedback need be submitted, at the end of the 1-year placement.

2015 Intake

  Start date End date Placement contract submitted by: Supervisor & Trainee feedback forms and Clinical Log must be submitted by:
PLACEMENT 1 Wednesday 21st October 2015
Friday 8th April 2016
Wednesday 11th November 2015
Friday 22nd April 2016
Wednesday 13th April 2016
Friday 30th September 2016
Monday 9th May 2016 Friday 14th October 2016

Submission requirements for a 12-month placement:
a) Supervisors: At the mid-point of the placement (i.e. after approximately 6 months) supervisors should submit the "Supervisor's Feedback Form for use at the mid-point of a one-year placement". At the end of the placement they should submit the "standard Supervisors feedback form". If unclear about which forms to use, see Section 16 of the Training Handbook, which describes which forms supervisors need to use, and when they need to use them

b) Trainees: The Clinical Portfolio should be submitted at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of the placement. Only one copy of the Trainee Feedback need be submitted, at the end of the 1-year placement.


2012 Intake

  Start date End date Placement contract submitted by: Supervisor & Trainee feedback forms and Clinical Log must be submitted by:
PLACEMENT 5 Mon 29th
September 2014
Friday 20th March 2015 Mon 27th October 2014 Friday 27th March 2015*
PLACEMENT 6 Monday 23rd March 2015 Friday 25th September 2015 Monday 20th April
Monday 14th September 2015*

Submission requirements for a 12-month placement:
a) Supervisors: At the mid-point of the placement (i.e. after approximately 6 months) supervisors should submit the "Supervisor's Feedback Form for use at the mid-point of a one-year placement". At the end of the placement they should submit the "standard Supervisors feedback form". If unclear about which forms to use, see Section 16 of the Training Handbook, which describes which forms supervisors need to use, and when they need to use them.
b) Trainees: The Clinical Portfolio should be submitted at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of the placement. Only one copy of the Trainee Feedback need be submitted, at the end of the 1-year placement.

2013 Intake

  Start date End date Placement contract submitted by: Supervisor & Trainee feedback forms and Clinical Log must be submitted by:
PLACEMENT 3 Monday 6th October 2014 Thursday 19th March 2015 Monday 3rd November 2014 Friday 3rd April 2015
Monday 23rd March 2015 Friday 25th September 2015 Monday 20th April
Friday 2nd October 2015

Submission requirements for a 12-month placement:
a) Supervisors: At the mid-point of the placement (i.e. after approximately 6 months) supervisors should submit the "Supervisor's Feedback Form for use at the mid-point of a one-year placement". At the end of the placement they should submit the "standard Supervisors feedback form". If unclear about which forms to use, see Section 16 of the Training Handbook, which describes which forms supervisors need to use, and when they need to use them

b) Trainees: The Clinical Portfolio should be submitted at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of the placement. Only one copy of the Trainee Feedback need be submitted, at the end of the 1-year placement.

2014 Intake

  Start date End date Placement contract submitted by: Supervisor & Trainee feedback forms and Clinical Log must be submitted by:
PLACEMENT 1 Wednesday 22nd October 2014
Friday 10th April 2015
Wednesday 12th November 2014
Friday 24th April 2015
Wednesday 15th April 2015
Friday 2nd October 2015
Monday 11th May 2015 Friday 16th October 2015

Submission requirements for a 12-month placement:
a) Supervisors: At the mid-point of the placement (i.e. after approximately 6 months) supervisors should submit the "Supervisor's Feedback Form for use at the mid-point of a one-year placement". At the end of the placement they should submit the "standard Supervisors feedback form". If unclear about which forms to use, see Section 16 of the Training Handbook, which describes which forms supervisors need to use, and when they need to use them

b) Trainees: The Clinical Portfolio should be submitted at the mid-point of the placement and at the end of the placement. Only one copy of the Trainee Feedback need be submitted, at the end of the 1-year placement.

For deadlines related to research and case reports, please click here ('Submission Deadlines', under the trainees accordion