
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology



Case Report Guidelines

The work clinical psychologists undertake is underpinned by their ability to apply models and theories, used in a reflective and an iterative way. Most clinical work can be seen as a process - assessment leads to hypotheses about how best to intervene, and monitoring the way the intervention unfolds gives feedback about how well these hypotheses fit the clinical picture. A sense of openness to this feedback and a capacity to reflect on one's own practice (often through supervision) is also central. All of this represents clinical competence, and case reports are a chance for you to demonstrate this and your development as a clinician. As such, the course uses them as one of the indicators of your capacity to function as a Chartered Clinical Psychologist.

Overall they give us a chance to look at:

a) your developing clinical competence across a range of different types of work and setting, in the context of a range of theoretical perspectives

b) your ability to integrate academic and theoretical ideas with your clinical experience

c) your ability to reflect on the way in which clinical, professional and ethical issues interact and impact on your work

For general information on aims, format and breadth of content click here

For information on the Service Related Research Report click here

For information on submission, marking, passing and failing of case reports and service related research reports click here

Submission Deadlines

Course Submission Deadlines and Exam Dates 2018-19




Case Report 1 31 January 2019
7 March 2019
Case Report 2 2 May 2019 6 June 2019
Research Statement of Intent 9 May 2019
Exam Paper 1 29 May 2019 (tbc by exams section)
Exam Paper 2 31 May 2019 (tbc by exams section) TBC


Research Proposal 27 September 2018 n/a
Case Report 3 7 November 2018 14 December 2018
Research Expense Proposal 8 February 2019
1st Research Progress Review & Supervisor Appraisal
15 February 2019 n/a
Case Report 4 13 March 2019 3 May 2019
Exam Paper 3 29 May 2019 (tbc by exams section) TBC
Exam Paper 4 31 May 2019 (tbc by exams section) TBC
2nd Research Progress Review & Supervisor Appraisal 12 July 2019
Literature Review 22 November 2019


Case Report 5 12th October 2018
16th November 2018
3rd Research Progress Review & Supervisor Appraisal 1 February 2019 n/a
Thesis Title/Abstract 1 March 2019
Thesis Submission 21 June 2019
Vivas 5th & 6th September 2019
10th September 2019

For Clinical Placement Deadlines, Please Click Here

Client Consent Form: Case Report Procedures
Supervisors Form: Confirmation of Case Report Details

Examination information can be found here

Details on passing and failing examinations

Brief Exam Guidance

Study Time

In order to minimise disruption to placement work, we provide study time in the lead-up to the exams in what would otherwise be college teaching time. This means you will not have any automatic entitlement for leave from placement for exam revision and would have to take this as annual leave in negotiation with your supervisor.

Examination Dates

Times, location and candidate ID will be confirmed by UCL Exams Section via Portico

2018 Intake
Paper 1    29th May 2019 (Provisional - TBC by Exams Section)
Paper 2    31st May 2019 (Provisional - TBC by Exams Section)

2017 Intake
Paper 3   29th May 2019 (Provisional - TBC by Exams Section)
Paper 4   31st May 2019 (Provisional - TBC by Exams Section)

Past Exam Papers

Paper 1

Paper 2

The structure of Paper 3 was changed from 2018 - this now has a structured format of short notes similar to Paper 1 (no essay as in past years) .

Sample Structured Paper 3

Past exam papers for Paper 3 are a useful guide in terms of the contents and style of questions, but trainees should note the new structure of Paper 3 and the fact that they will not be asked to write an essay as part of the exam.

Past (unstructured) Paper 3

Statistics Papers

2010 (data)

2011 (data)


Plagiarism refers to passing off someone else's work as your own. It is a serious offence with potentially serious consequences.

UCL guidelines on plagiarism can be viewed here

Extenuating Circumstances


It is no longer possible for students to apply for extenuating circumstances to be taken into account in advance of taking an examination.  If you know in advance that you may not be well enough, or other significant circumstances might seriously impact on your exam performance, then you are encouraged to consider applying to defer the exam (an option that should be discussed with the Course Tutor, and that we hope would only rarely occur).

If this applies to you, please arrange to meet your tutor as soon as possible, or contact Pasco Fearon. If an extenuating circumstance took effect suddenly and unpredictably then it is possible to submit an EC form after the examination has taken place - further information can be found here: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/srs/academic-manual/c4/extenuating-circumstances/consideration#top.

Case Reports/Service Related Research Project

Guidance on Extenuating Circumstances for Case Report/SRRP submissions are found in Section 25 of the Course Handbook

Extenuating Circumstances Form

Assessment Regulations

The Doctorate in Clinical Psychology has four examined components (case reports/service related research projects, exams, placements, thesis), all of which must be passed in order to qualify for the degree of DClinPsy. To read our Scheme of Award, which describes our assessed course work, please click this link.

All course work is overseen by the DClinPsy Exam Board, which consists of course staff and external examiners. The regulations concerning the role of the Board and the procedures that lay out the rules for passing and failing course work can be found in the Course Handbook.