
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology



Case Report Guidelines

For general information on aims, format and breadth of content  click here

For information on the Service Related Research Report click here

Case Report Marking

For details of marking, passing and failing case reports click here 

Case Report Markers & Deadlines

Granting Extensions

Under exceptional circumstances, an extension to the date by which work must be handed in can be negotiated. This should be requested in advance by discussion with the Course Tutor. The usual grounds for an extension would be serious illness (for which a medical certificate will be required) or major life-events. Extensions are not granted because of pressure of work or minor ailments.

Extensions up to one week: These are negotiated through discussion with the Course Tutor, who will then notify the Chair of the Board of Examiners, copying in Julia Curl and Dan McQuade.

Specific detail pertaining to the request should be kept between the trainee and Course Tutor, we simply need to know the trainee it involves and the report it relates to.

Extensions longer than one week: Requests for longer extensions are also negotiated with the Course Tutor, but the Tutor will need to pass this request to the Chair of the Board of Examiners, who is empowered to make this decision. The trainee will be required to put the request in writing using the Extenuating Circumstances form (see http://www.ucl.ac.uk/dclinpsy/forms/forms, under Extenuating Circumstances). The Chair of the Board of Examiners will then inform the Course Tutor of the decision, copying Julia Curl and Dan McQuade. The Course Tutor should then inform the trainee of the outcome.

Please note that the trainee should not be directly communicating with course administration regarding extensions.

Exam Marking
Extenuating Circumstances

This form should be used to notify the course of any circumstances likely to affect your examination performance. This includes written examination papers, the thesis viva, a clinical viva or significant extensions to case report deadlines.

Extenuating circumstances form

Guidance and Forms for Thesis and Clinical Viva Examinations

This section contains password protected access for staff examining trainee theses and clinical vivas.

Research Theses

  1. Guidelines for internal examiners
  2. Guidelines for external examiners
  3. Preliminary thesis report form
  4. Joint thesis report form

Clinical Vivas

  1. Guidelines for internal examiners
  2. Guidelines for external examiners
  3. Joint viva report form