
Centre for Law, Economics and Society


TTIP/CETA Brainstorming Workshop

30 April 2015, 9:00 am–6:00 pm

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni


Centre for Law, Economics and Society (CLES), UCL Faculty of Laws and supported by UCL European Institute and UCL Global Governance Institute


London - invitation only

About the workshop

The workshop aims to bring together a number of colleagues working on different areas covered by the TTIP and CETA, in particular the following four: (a) Trade law, (b) Regulation, (c) Labour law, healthcare and other forms of social regulation, (d) Investment Treaties/International Dispute Resolution. These different "tribes" are all to a certain extent interested in the TTIP and CETA, although each of them has so far, it seems to us, explored these arrangements from their own perspective. We also thought that there was an urgent need for some detached (from specific interests) academic perspective on the TTIP and CETA, as most of the commentary published is initiated by those involved in the negotiations and/or representing the views of specific interests.

Participants (by invitation only)

Diamond Ashiagbor, SOAS
Nick Bernard, Queen Mary
Nicola Countouris, UCL
Andrew Coop, BIS
Gareth Davies, Groningen
Angelos Dimopoulos, Queen Mary
Piet Eeckhout, UCL
Elaine Fahey, City University London
Andromachi Georgosouli, Queen Mary
Jan Kleinheisterkamp, LSE
Dimitry Kochenov, Groningen
Maria Lee, UCL
Ioannis Lianos, UCL
Murilo Lubambo, UCL
Despoina Mantzari, University of Reading
June Namgoong, UCL
Federico Ortino, KCL
Martins Paparinskis, UCL
Konstanze von Papp, Oxford
Laurent Pech, Middlesex
Lauge Poulsen, UCL
Harm Schepel, University of Kent
Robert Schütze, Durham
Joanne Scott, UCL
Jukka Snell, Turku University
Eleanor Spaventa, Durham
Oana Stefan, KCL
Takis Tridimas, KCL

To be confirmed or participating through Skype/tele-conferencing

Catherine Barnard, Cambridge
Petros Mavroidis, EUI
Kalypso Nicolaides, Oxford
Daniel Augenstein, Tilburg
Spyros Maniatis, Queen Mary


From 12.20 Buffet lunch

13:15 Welcome/Introduction of participants

13:20 – 14:30 Session 1: The institutional architecture of the TTIP/CETA

Chair/brief introduction: Piet Eeckhout, UCL

This session will cover the negotiation of the CETA and TTIP with regard to lessons to be drawn on the appropriate balance between democracy and expertise, the interaction between EU and national levels and the appropriate institutional structure for the EU external relations. This session will also focus on the question of the typology of such agreements: Are they trade agreements? Investor protection agreements? How does the focus/ratio of the Agreement may have affected the negotiation process?

14:30 – 15:45 Session 2: TTIP/CETA and regulatory policy space

Chair/brief introduction: Ioannis Lianos, UCL

This session will cover the implications of the TTIP and CETA on the EU Internal Market and on the policy space of EU Member States in various areas of social regulation (including environmental protection). This session will examine the concepts of "regulatory compatibility" and "regulatory convergence" and how these concepts fit, if at all, with existing (and new) theories of economic integration.

15:45 – 16:00 Break 

16:00 – 17:15 Session 3: The implementation of CETA/TTIP and Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Chair/brief introduction: Lauge Poulsen, UCL

This session will focus on the institutional arrangements with regard to the implementation of CETA and TTIP and their dispute resolution mechanism. We will explore in particular the added value and the function of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement suggested, advantages and pitfalls.

17:15 – 18:15 Session 4: Open discussion

Chair: Ioannis Lianos, UCL

We will explore other issues not examined in the previous sessions.

18:15 End of the Workshop
