
Centre for Law, Economics and Society



Watch the videos below to find out more about the different events organised by UCL CLES, linked to our research programmes.

The CLES at UCL organises a number of events linked to its research programmes. It also supports the Competition Alternatives, a public engagement initiative launched by Professor Ioannis Lianos focusing on the challenges the fourth industrial revolution and the emergence of digital capitalism sets to competition law and policy.

Should competition law change its game?

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK3VkbLMM5I

Taming the Fourth Power Conference December 14th, 2018

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/DiVXzExW_1E

The CLES is also present with regard to the challenges of digitalization for competition policy and regulation, not only in the UK, EU and the US, but also more broadly in emergent and developing economies. The CLES supports as an international research partner the BRICS competition law and policy initiative exploring the way the BRICS countries deal with the digital revolution and competition law and policy. 

Competition Law in the Digital Era: A BRICS Perspective 

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/SsHVrBdnkbw