Browse our archive of Lectures and Conferences by year. Browse our archive of annual Housman Lectures on the left sidebar.
Lectures and Conferences
Seminar series: Graeco-Aegyptiaca: Greece in Egypt and Egypt in Greece, from Homer to Rome and Byzantium (October 2024 - June 2025). An international collaboration.
Lecture: Attila Németh, 'Freedom and Self-Esteem in Epictetus' (Friday 15th November at 12:00). UCL Institute of Advanced Studies: Common Ground Space.
Seminar series: Graeco-Aegyptiaca: Greece in Egypt and Egypt in Greece, from Homer to Rome and Byzantium (October 2023 - June 2024). An international collaboration.
Lecture: Housman Lecture (13 March 2024, 6:00-7:30pm). Victoria Rimell (University of Warwick): 'Seneca, consolation and the crisis of critique.'
Lecture: Stephen Instone memorial lecture (9 May 2024, 5:00pm). Armand D'Angour (University of Oxford): 'Socrates in Plato's Symposium.'
Workshop: Cosmic magic. Astronomy, astrology and Graeco-Egyptian cultural interactions (3rd-4th June 2024): UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, and on Zoom. Organised by Peter Agocs (UCL) and Jessica Lightfoot (Birmingham).
Workshop: Remembering Dionysus: Nonnus’ Monster (27 June 2024). UCL Institute of Advanced Studies.
- 2022-23
Conference: Classics, Love, Revolution: The Legacies of Luigi Settembrini (14 March 2023, 4:00 pm–7:00 pm)
Lecture: Housman Lecture (15 March 2023, 6:00-7:30pm). Richard Armstrong (University of Houston): 'Homer the Balladeer'.
Conference and Performance: Memory and Performance: Classical Reception in Early Modern Festivals (15th-18th Century) (23 February 10:15am-5:15pm & 24 February 10:30am-5:15pm; Performance 23 February 6:00pm-7:00pm)
Seminar series: Graeco-Aegyptiaca: Greece in Egypt and Egypt in Greece, from Homer to Rome and Byzantium (October 2022 - June 2023). An international collaboration.
- 2021-22
Conference: Ancient and Modern Narratives of the Greco-Persian Wars (28th - 29th July 2022)
Event: Cicero Awayday (19th May 2022, 10.45am-18.30pm)
Lecture: Housman Lecture: Prof Gregson Davis: The reception of Lucretius' "On the Nature of Things" in Aimé Césaire's "Journal of a Homecoming. Bookings now open. (18th May 2022, 6:00-7:30pm)
Workshop: Practice Research in and out of Classics (3rd May 2022)
Lecture: Dr Mark Weeden's Inaugural Lecture (postponed to a later date)
Lecture: Housman Lecture: Susan A. Stephens (27th October 2021, 6:00-7:30pm).
Seminar series: Graeco-Aegyptiaca. Greece in Egypt and Egypt in Greece, from Homer to Rome and Byzantium (January 2022).
Conference April 2022: Choosing your Words: Lexicalisation and Grammaticalisation in Greek and Latin (1-2 April 2022).
- 2020-21
Lecture: Housman Lecture 2020: Ellen Oliensis (28th October 2020, 6-7.30pm)
Conference: Baroque Latinity - conference organized by The Society for Neo-Latin Studies & The Cambridge Society for Neo-Latin Studies (17th – 18th September 2021).
Public lecture: Agrippina the Younger, Mother of Nero: Fact or Fiction - Dr Mairéad McAuley. Part of the Imperial Power in the Roman Empire series.
Play: The Greek Play will take place in the week 8 to 12 February 2021.
- 2019-20
Lecture/comedy: Natalie Haynes, 'Troy Story', UCL, 6pm 30 April 2020.
Conference: Pindar, Early Greek Philosophy, and Greek Religion UCL (14-15 May 2020).
Lecture: Housman Lecture 2020 (20th May 2020, 5.30pm, Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre). Postponed.
Symposium: Rewriting the Trojan War (6th March 2020, 5 pm, Gordon House 106).
Symposium: Calgacus in 2020 (25 January, 2020, 10am-6pm, UCL IAS Common Ground).
Conference: UCL/BSA Teacher Study Day (5 February 2020, 11.10am-4.30pm, Chandler House, Room B01).
Conference: Greek Play 2020 - Aristophanes' Frogs (12-14 February 2020, Bloomsbury Theatre).
Conference: Freud and Egypt: Between Oedipus and the Sphinx (12 October 2019, 10am-5pm, University College School, Frognal, London, NW3 6XH).
Event: Baroque Science: Early Modern Discoveries (15 November, 2019).
- 2018-19
Conference: UCL/BSA Teacher Study Day (6 February 2019, 10am-5.30pm)
Conference: Greek Play (6-8 February 2019, Bloomsbury Theatre)
Lecture: Housman Lecture 2018 (22nd May 2019, 5.30pm, Lecture Theatre and Cloisters). Registration required via EventBrite.
Conference: Citizenship in classical antiquity (1-3 July, 2019)
Conference: FIEC conference (4-8 July, 2019)
Conference: The Greeks & The Irrational, Revisited (9 July, 2019). Location; Chadwick Building room G09.
- 2017-18
International seminar: Sympathy (Mumbai, 5 and 6 July 2018)
Colloquium: UCL/Jagiellonian University Seminar 2018 (28th June 2018)
Seminar: Richard Whitaker, "The Odyssey of Homer: A Southern African translation" (27 June 2018)
Workshop: The Poetry of Greek Philosophy (21-22 June 2018)
Workshop: Digital Tools for Classicists (Thursday 14 June 2018)
Workshop: Sanskrit, teaching and learning (13 June 2018)
Symposium: The Tissue of the World: A round-table discussion with Brooke Homes (29 May 2018)
Workshops/Lectures: GCSE Classical Civilisation INSET (24th February 2018)
Workshop: Rejecting the Classics (21st February 2018)
Colloquium: One-day teachers' colloquium: 'Recovering the past'. (13 February 2018)
Workshop: Finding lost science in early modern poetry (22 November 2017)
Conference: Narcissism: a one-day conference (17 November 2017)
Conference: Antiquity At Home and On Screen (19-21 October 2017)
Conference: Ancient Greek Poetry & Poetics: Interactions Between Theory & Practice (21-22 September 2017)
- 2016-17
Lecture: 8 February 2017: Housman Lecture 2017: Judith Butler (webcast here)
Lecture: Platonic dialogue and Plato's dialogues in medieval Arabic translations: Donna Shalev (22 February 2017)Colloquium: One-day teachers' colloquium on Fifth-Century Athens (22 February 2017)
Workshop: The First European: A History of Alexander in the Age of Empire (1 March 2017)
Seminar: 14 March 2017: Popular songs, popular Sappho (fr. 168B V. = PMG 976): Prof. Massimo Magnani (Parma)
Lecture: 18 March 2016: Keeling Lecture 2017: Professor A.A. Long (University of California, Berkeley), 'Divinity in Plato's Politics' (4:30 pm)
Symposium: 30 June 2017: Edges of the Human: Embodiment, Enactment, and Materiality in Greek Tragedy: Professor Nancy Worman (Barnard/Columbia)
- 2015-16
Classical Reception Studies Network Workshop: Revolutions and Classics (22 July 2016)
Conference: From Song To Book: Performance and Entextualisation in Ancient Greek Literature and Beyond (29 June - 1 July 2016)
Conference: The Politics of Form in Greek Culture (17 June 2016)
Conference: Erudition and Allusion in Theocritus (27 May 2016)
Symposium: What is Latin about Latin America? Elite Culture, Popular History, and the Making of a Continental Identity (21 May 2016)
Conference: Language in Style (18-20 May 2016)
Conference: Economics and Warfare (27-29 April 2016)
Event in collaboration with the Centre for Early Modern Exchanges on Oratory and Rhetoric (23 March 2016)
Lecture: 18 March 2016: Keeling Lecture 2015: Susanne Bobzien (Oxford), 'Did Frege plagiarize the Stoics?' (5 pm)
Lecture: 23 February 2016: Housman Lecture 2016: Maurizio Bettini
Lecture: 22 February 2016: Housman Masterclass: Maurizio Bettini (2-4 p.m.)
Lecture: 11 February 2016: Rosa Andújar on Menander: A New Comedy for Athens
Lecture: 10 February 2016: Gesine Manuwald on Ancient 'New' Comedy
Colloquium: One-day course on Identities and gender in the Ancient World (9 February 2016)
Conference: Intertextuality in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica (18 December 2015)
Lecture: 3 November 2015 at 6.30 p.m. Professor Phiroze Vasunia's inaugural lecture
- 2014-15
Conference: Hannah Arendt and the Ancients (17-18 September 2015)
Conference: Dionysus in Rome (3-4 September 2015)
Postgraduate Student Event: Human and Posthuman (10 July 2015). A workshop organised in conjunction with the Postclassicisms network.
Conference: Grattius in Contex(s): hunting an Augustan poet (25-26 June 2015)
Conference: The Poetics of War: Remembering Conflict from Ancient Greece to the Great War (17-19 June 2015)
Lecture: 4 June 2015: Housman lecture 2015: Leslie Kurke (6:00 pm)
Lecture: 5 June 2015: Housman Masterclass: Leslie Kurke (2:00 - 5:00 pm)
Postgraduate Student Event: Early-Modern Texts and Digital Resources (29 May 2015)
Lecture: 13 May 2015: Keeling Lecture 2015: David Sedley "Socrates' Second Voyage (Plato, Phaedo 99-101)" (5:00pm)
Conference: The Afterlife of Cicero (7-8 May 2015)
Conference: Epic! Between Ancient and Early Modern Empires (6 May 2015)
Panel Discussion: Families and the Law in the Ancient World: A public discussion exploring family law in ancient Greece, Rome and Mesopotamia (Friday 24 April 2015, 18:00 to 19:30)
Conference: Aspects of Family Law in the Ancient World - a Cross-cultural Perspective (22-24 April 2015)
Colloquium: UCL/British School at Athens Colloquium for Secondary School Teachers (16 February 2015)
Symposium: Staging Greek Tragedy Today (13 February 2015)
Conference: Back to the Future: Varro, the State, and Antiquarianism (26-27 January 2015)
Conference: Classics and the Great War, in an Age of Empire (27 November 2014). Co-sponsored by the Network on Ancient and Modern Imperialisms and the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge. The conference was held in Cambridge.
Conference: Hellenism and Judaism in Modernity (19 November 2014)
- 2013-14
Conference: The Afterlife of Classical Latin Satire (Friday 10 October 2014): collaboration with the English Department and the Warburg Institute. The conference will be held at the Warburg Institute.
Conference: Chris Carey (a celebration) 19 September 2014
Conference and Public Event: Palladas and the New Papyrus (4-5 September 2014)
Training Day: Greek Epic and Lyric Fragments (2 July 2014)
Conference: Song Regained: Greek Epic and Lyric Fragments from the Archaic to the Imperial Era (2-4 July 2014)
Conference: Greeks and Romans on the Latin American Stage (24-26 June 2014)
Lecture: 28 April 2014: Professor John Moles (Newcastle): 'Virgil's Loss of Virginity and Related Matters.' 5.30pm. 2.18 Chadwick Building (UCL front quad). Reception to follow. All welcome.
Conference: Roman Oratory (10-13 April 2014): Gesine Manuwald
Conference: New Perspectives on Virgil's Georgics (3 - 4 April 2014)
Lecture: 19 March 2014: Housman Masterclass: Denis Feeney (4 pm)
Lecture: 20 March 2014: Housman lecture 2014: Denis Feeney (6pm)
Colloquium: Greek Tragedy's Renaissance Inflections: Iphigenia Workshop. Wednesday 12th March 2014, 2-7pm, Foster Court 307.
Lecture: 12 March 2014: Professor Gail Fine, Keeling memorial lecture and graduate masterclass 'Knowledge, belief, and perception in the Phaedo'. 4-6pm, Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre.
Colloquium: UCL/British School at Athens Colloquium for Secondary School Teachers(19 February 2014)
Lecture: 11 February 2014: UCL Classical Play Lecture. Dr Rosa Andújar (UCL): 'Comedy and Caricature in Aristophanes' Theatre'.
Lecture: 12 February 2014: UCL Classical Play Lecture. Dr Jenny Bryan (UCL): 'Socrates' search for wisdom.'
Lecture: 13 February 2014: UCL Classical Play Lecture. Bettany Hughes: 'Athens: the Theatre for Socrates' Ideas'.
Lecture: 29 January 2014: Prof. James Redfield (Chicago): 'The Socratic Dialogues as Historical Fiction' (5:30pm). Gordon House 106 (WC1H 0PP).
Colloquium: Keeling Colloquium 4th to 6th November 2013
Colloquium: FIGS Forum: Empathy (1 Nov. 2013, 9:00 - 19:00): a publication is availble online.
Lecture: 10 October 2013: Gesine Manuwald, 'Latin as a language of translation in Elizabethan England'. The UCL Translation in History Lectures: 6 to 7.30 pm; also blogged in UCL events page.
- 2012-13
Conference: Greek Literary Epigram: From the Hellenistic to the early Byzantine Era (11-13 September 2013)
Conference: The Platonic Letters: Readings and Receptions (2-4 September 2013)
Conference: The Reception of Herodotus in Antiquity and Beyond (12-13 August 2013)
Panel discussion: Myth and Mythology (UCL Festival of Arts): 16 May, 1:00pm
Lecture: 8 May 2013: Lecture: Dr Peter Meineck (NYU), 'The Theatre that Moved the Soul: Understanding the Power of Ancient Greek Drama through Modern Cognitive Science'
Conference: Use and Abuse of Law in the Athenian Courts (16-18 April 2013)
Conference: Paths of Song: Interactions between Greek Lyric and Tragedy (11-13 April 2013)
Lecture: 20 February 2013: Housman lecture 2013: Eric Csapo (6pm)
Lecture: 19 February 2013: Housman Masterclass: Eric Csapo (2.30pm)
Lecture: 5 February 2013: UCL Classical Play Lecture. Professor Simon Goldhill (Cambridge): 'Tragedy and the Trojan Women.'
Lecture: 6 February 2013: UCL Classical Play Lecture. Professor Chris Carey (UCL): 'In Search of Meaning: the World of the Trojan Women.
Lecture: 7 February 2013: UCL Classical Play Lecture. Dr Rosa Andújar (UCL): 'Good Grief: The Lamenting Women of Tragedy.'
Lecture: 16 November 2012: Lecture. Dr Maude Vanhaelen (Warwick), 'Renaissance scholars and their demons: on Ficino and Iamblichus' De Mysteriis' (5 pm)
Lecture: 13 November 2012: Lecture. 'Jumping to conclusions. Bull-leaping in Minoan Crete' Dr. Andrew Shapland (British Museum)
Lecture: 10 October 2012: Keeling Lecture 2012: Prof. Richard Sorabji (6-8pm)
Lecture: 9 October 2012: Keeling Graduate Masterclass (4-6pm)
- 2011-12
Lecture: Housman Lecture 2012
Conference: Educating the Future Generation: teaching, learning, and antiquity 13-14 September 2012
Conference: Iambus and Elegy - 11-13 July 2012
Conference: Olympics: Sport and competition in Greece and Rome - 14-15 June 2012
Conference: Cicero Awayday - 30th May 2012
Conference: A Theatre of Justice: aspects of Graeco-Roman oratory and rhetorics 19-20 April 2012
Colloquium: Keeling Colloquium 7-9 November 2011.