ACCESSSS A free database from McMaster University that cross-searches resources from across the pyramid of evidence. Full text access will depend on your own institutional subscriptions.
ACP Journal Club ACP Journal Club is a monthly feature of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, which summarises the best new evidence for internal medicine from over 120 clinical journals.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) A database of reports sponsored by the AHRQ in the United States.
Archimedes Evidence based paediatrics from the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
- BMJ Best Practice combines, in a single source, the latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion - presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
- BMJ Mental Health
- Campbell Collaboration - promotes positive social and economic change through the production and use of systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses for evidence-based policy and practice.
- Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
- Centre for Reviews & Dissemination (York)
- Clinical Knowledge Summaries Provides summaries of the evidence available on a range of primary care presentations. The information is intended for primary care professionals in the UK.)
- Clinical Queries EBM search feature from PubMed.
- Cochrane Child Health Supports the production of clinically relevant, methodologically rigorous systematic reviews in child health, along with the dissemination and utilisation of evidence in decision-making affecting the health and well-being of children around the world.
- Cochrane Clinical Answers
- Cochrane Library The Cochrane Library is freely available within the United Kingdom
- Cochrane Project Web pages for the Cochrane Collaboration, an international network of institutions and individuals dedicated to preparing, maintaining and disseminating systematic reviews of the effects of health care.
- Controlled Trials from History (James Lind Library) This website has been created by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh to present the work of researchers who pioneered the application of research methods designed to reduce biases in studies assessing the effects of health care, social care and education.
- Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Aims to enable decision makers and those who seek to influence them acquire skills to make sense of and act on the evidence.
- DynaMed A clinical point-of-care tool that aims to provide evidence-based information. (Subscription required.)
- ECRI Guidelines Trust
- EPPI-Centre
Essential Evidence Plus This is a point-of-care tool designed to assist clinicians with evidence-based practice. (Subscription required.)
- Evidence Alerts
- Evidence Based Child Health A Cochrane Review Journal making child health evidence easier to find, interpret and use.
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Evidence Based Nursing
- Evidence Based Practice Institute From the University of Washington.
- Ferret Fact Service
- Full Fact
- GIN (Guidelines International Network) International Guidelines Library
- GOSH Clinical Guidelines
- GRADE Working Group
- Guidelines Websites A useful list of the main resources for guidelines on the Web.
- ISSG Search Filters Resource This page includes evidence based filters for use with Ovid Medline and Cinahl, from the University of York. It also includes links to other useful EBM resources.
- Joanna Briggs Institute
- NIHR Evidence - summaries of recent research targeted at decision makers
- PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database: EBM resources for physiotherapy.
- PRODIGY (formerly Clinical Knowledge Summaries)
A reliable source of evidence-based information and practical 'know how' about the common conditions managed in primary care. (Subscription required.)
SUMSearch 2 SUMSearch 2 is a meta-search engine that simultaneously searches high-quality internet-based databases like PubMed, DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness), the National Guideline Clearinghouse.
- TRIP (Turning Research Into Practice) TRIP Database allows you to cross-search around 150 freely available online resources containing high-quality 'evidence-based' health information from around the world. Resources searchable via TRIP include The Cochrane Library, PubMed Clinical Queries, Clinical Evidence, BestBETs and journals such as Evidence-Based Medicine and Bandolier. Access to some features within TRIP requires a subscription.
- UpToDate An evidence-based knowledge system authored by physicians to help clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care. (Subscription required)