Please click on the links for more information about what each database covers.
The Allied and Alternative Medicine Database (AMED) is a unique bibliographic database produced by the Health Care Information Service of the British Library.
It covers a selection of journals in complementary medicine, palliative care, and several professions allied to medicine.
Subject coverage: complementary medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, podiatry, palliative care.
The database contains references to articles from around 512 journals, the majority of which are in English. A large number of these tiles are not indexed by any other biomedical sources.AMED via NHS OpenAthens
- BIOSIS Citations Index
Get a comprehensive view of life sciences research, including the most important discoveries, significant influences and relevant connections. Biosis Citation IndexSM combines critical life sciences research with powerful citation indexing.
BIOSIS Citations Index For access:
Please log in with your UCL account
- Best Practice
An online learning resource for professionals in primary care and hospital medicine. Learning resources are based on BMJ Clinical Evidence.
Best Practice For access:
Requires a UCL account to login and then additional (free) registration on your first visit to the site
- BMJ Learning
- BNF for Children
BNFC presents essential practical information to help healthcare professionals prescribe, monitor, supply, and administer medicines for childhood disorders. BNFC provides practical information on the use of medicines in children of all ages from birth to adolescence. Medicines for Children (RCPCH Publications Ltd) and the British National Formulary itself form the basis for BNFC. Information in BNFC has been validated against emerging evidence, best-practice guidelines, and advice from a network of clinical experts.
BNFC For access:
An NHS Athens account is required. Users without an NHS Athens account may perform up to 5 free searches. To do so, register at the eBNF site (registration is free).
- British Nursing Index
The British Nursing Index(BNI) is a bibliographic database containing articles from the most popular English language nursing journals published primarily in the UK, comprising over 220 nursing and allied health journals from 1994. It increases annually by approximately 9000 entries. BNI covers all aspects of nursing, midwifery and community healthcare.
British Nursing Index (via Proquest)
For access:An NHS Athens account is required for acces
The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Healthdatabase is produced by CINAHL Information Systems. It covers the literature from 1982 to present and covers more than 1200 journal titles. This bibliographic database covers the following topics: health education, occupational therapy, physical therapy, technology therapy, social service/health care, emergency service. It also provides access to healthcare books, nursing dissertations, and selected conference proceedings. It is updated monthly.
For access:An NHS Athens account is required for access.
CINAHL Plus (from EBSCO) For access:
Please log in with your UCL account
- Cochrane library
The Cochrane library is a collection of resources for information on the effectiveness of healthcare interventions. The resources include access to the full-text of Cochrane systematic reviews, structured abstracts of other systematic reviews and bibliographic details of randomised controlled trials. The Cochrane Library is produced by the Cochrane Collaboration and the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and is updated quarterly.
Cochrane Library
For access:
Access is free to all users in England, without the need for any passwords.
- Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin (from BMJ)
DTB aims to provide informed and unbiased assessments of drugs and other treatments (focusing on efficacy, safety, convenience and cost in particular in relation to other available treatments); to comment on how those drugs or other treatments should be used; to assess their place in overall management, and; to review evidence and give practical advice on the overall management of disease.
Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin For access:
NHS staff please log in with your NHS Athens password
Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin For access:
UCL staff please use your UCL account for off-site access
- Embase
Embase is a biomedical and pharmacological database. It is similar to Medline (there is about a 40% overlap between the two) but it has a more European, and less American, focus and is renowned for its coverage of drug information including drug research, pharmacology, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health and psychiatry. There is selective coverage for nursing, psychology and alternative medicine.
EMBASE (via OvidSP) For access:
Please log in with your UCL password for off-site access
EMBASE (via OvidSP) For access:
An NHS Athens account is required for access.
- Eric (Educational Resources Information Center)
ERIC provides bibliographic information about journal articles and other publications in the field of education and related disciplines from 1989 to present. The database is administered by the US National Library of Education (NLE) and supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement although its coverage is worldwide. ERIC is freely available on the Internet.
ERIC For access:
- HMIC (Health Management)
Includes DH-Data & the King's Fund database.
DH-Data: from the Dept of Health & the PH Information Unit, covers health service & hospital administration with an emphasis on the British NHS, including buildings, equipment, primary care, social policy, medical toxicology and environmental health; 2000 English language journals, as well as books, reports, and other official publication. Coverage is from 1983-.
King's Fund: 1979-, 75,000+ records. Covers UK health policy documents and 'grey' literature from health and social care organisations on topics including NHS management, social care, health inequalities, urban health, race & health, partnership working, primary care, mental health, public involvement, and workforce development.
HMIC (via OvidSP) For access:
Please log in with your UCL password for off-site access
HMIC (via OvidSP) For access:
An NHS Athens account is required for access.
- IBSS International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
- Medline
Medline is the best-known biomedical database. It indexes approximately 4000 international journals from 1966 onwards and selected older titles. Medline covers all fields within biomedicine including medical specialties such as cardiology, neurology, paediatrics etc, clinical and experimental medicine, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, nursing and allied health. Medline is produced by the National Library of Medicine in the US and is freely available on the Web via PubMed
Medline (via OvidSP) For access:
Please log in with your UCL password for off-site access
Medline (via ProQuest) For access:
An NHS Athens account is required for access
- PubMed
1950 to Present - PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles.
Access is free, without the need for any passwords.- PsycINFO
A bibliographic database of psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences. The database contains more than 2 million records spanning 1872 to the present and journal coverage includes approximately 2,000 periodicals. Chapter and book coverage includes worldwide English-language material published from 1987 to the present; however, there is a substantial number of records covering books published earlier. Dissertations constitute approximately 12% of the database.
PsycINFO (via OvidSP) For access:
Please log in with your UCL password for off-site access
PsycINFO (via ProQuest)For access:
An NHS Athens account is required for access.
- Scopus
A tool similar to Web of Science, Scopus allows for the tracking of citations (who is citing who?). Scopus covers scientific, technical, medical and social sciences literature with approx. 16,000 peer-reviewed journals covered (including >8,700 health & life sciences titles) plus other sources such as patents and full text web sources. Material going right back to the 1820s is included but for some material pre-1996 the records are less complete which may affect citation tracking for some items.
Scopus For access:
Please log in with your UCL password for off-site access
- Trip
(Turning Research Into Practice)
The TRIP Database brings together 'evidence-based' healthcare resources available on the internet. There are over 29,000 links from about 70 sources - including peer-reviewed journals and 'eTextbooks'. The site is updated monthly.
Click here for access:Access is to most of the database is free, without the need for any passwords, but a subscription is required to access some features of the site. NHS
For a pilot period of one year, Health Education England has negotiated access to the Premium version of the TRIP database. Access is being made available by IP address for NHS Trust members. You need to be on a Trust computer in order to be able to access the premium version
- Up To Date
An evidence-based knowledge system authored by physicians to help clinicians make the right decisions at the point of care.
Up To Date For access:
Requires a UCL account to login.
- Web of Science
Gateway and cross-search for suite of ISI products, including Web of Science (Citation Indexes), Current Contents Connect, Science and Technology Proceedings, and Biosis Previews. See also separate searchable entries in MetaLib for each component. The Web of Science is made up of three databases, the Science Citation Index, the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. The Science Citation Index provides bibliographic details of articles from 5,300 science, engineering and medical journals from 1945 onwards
Web of Science: For access:
Please log in with your UCL account
- Zetoc
Electronic Table of Contents service from the British Library - you can create an alert to receive the tables of contents of your chosen journals by email. The database contains approx.20,000 current journals and 16,000 conference proceedings (over 20 million individual records) and covers most subjects in the fields of science, technology, medicine, engineering, business, law, finance and the humanities. It covers the years from 1993 onwards and is updated daily.
Zetoc For access:
Please log in with your UCL password for off-site access.
- Emcare
Covering all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions Emcare includes international coverage and includes unique content not found in other nursing and allied health databases including more than a thousand journals not covered by Embase
- PEDro
PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database)
PEDro is a free database of over 45,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. For each trial, review or guideline, PEDro provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible.