IChemE Education Special Interest Group design project workshop
16 November 2017

Photo, from left: Prof Colin Webb (University of Manchester and our external examiner), Giles Gillett and Prof Rob Best (both from IChemE's Education & Accreditation Forum), Eleanor Cross (Wood plc), Serena and Billy Hue (UCL students) and Dr Michaela Pollock (UCL and workshop organiser).
On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 an IChemE Education Special Interest Group design project workshop was organised by Dr Michaela Pollock, who is one of our dedicated design teaching fellows and one of the three teaching fellows delivering our capstone design project.
The aim of the workshop had been to share best practice of design teaching taking place in the various universities, to hear from industry what is required of graduate chemical engineers, and to hear from IChemE what the learning outcomes for design are from an accreditation point of view.