Watch Visiting Professor Mark McBride-Wright's Lecture on YouTube
16 March 2023
Mark McBride-Wright is a recognised diversity and inclusion leader and Visiting Professor of Inclusive Engineering Leadership at the UCL Centre for Engineering Education. You can now watch a recording of his inaugural lecture, given in February 2023.
On 21 February 2023, Visiting Professor of Inclusive Engineering Leadership Mark McBride-Wright gave his inaugural lecture at UCL. In his talk he covered his first roles in his journey to date working on technical safety projects before transitioning into projects focussed more on the culture of teams. Mark then went on to found a not-for-profit organisation, InterEngineering, and his own business, EqualEngineers.
He shared a vision for change for the profession (which will form part of his focus during his time at UCL) in order to have the impact which is needed to diversify how we engineer and who becomes an engineer.
Watch a recording of his talk below.
Equal Engineers
Centre welcomes Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor