Both an active participant in the global engineering community and an observatory for that community, we seek to be a catalyst, partnering with others and providing a platform for debate and action to demonstrate engineering’s contribution to a sustainable future.
The Centre engages with the fundamental question for transitions into and through engineering; at what point does a person become an engineer?
The world needs more engineers. Partnering with others, the Centre will support and engage in projects that release the resources and world-leading capabilities of UCL to enthuse and inspire potential engineers.
Our key engagement points
- We aim to create an ethos where engineering is seen as intrinsically worthwhile, relevant to people from all walks of life, promotes diversity and gender equality and above all is truly inclusive and open to all.
- Engineering requires multiple skills sets; creativity, design, teamwork, practical skills, fundamentals of science and mathematics, mixed together in varying amounts depending on the task at hand. The Centre will support educators at all levels in developing these skills in the engineers of the future.
- The Centre is involved in development of curricula models and content as well as the pedagogic methods and practices to develop 21st century engineers via UCL’s own Integrated Engineering Programme and through the evaluation and dissemination of practice from elsewhere. Key partners include: Engineering Professors Council (EPC), European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), UK & RI Engineering Education Research Network (EERN)
- Successful engineers need to possess a justified self-confidence in their ability to develop innovative solutions considering feasibility, desirability and viability. This requires broad horizons of what is possible through engineering and an understanding of the characteristics of a 21st century engineer.
- We aim to engage with partners throughout the lifespan of professional development. These include partnerships with Education Providers, Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs), NGOs eg. Engineers without Borders and Employers.
- Engineering is a team activity that draws individuals together to use their different skills in creating new things with the aim of better serving society. To meet the complex challenges of the next century, engineers need to work flexibly across cultural boundaries. The importance of diversity and inclusion are paramount, including gender, ethnicity, background, physical ability and neurodiversity.
- We will identify models of innovation in engineering companies and educational programmes and assist both to learn from one another more effectively to support engineers at every stage of their development. We will continue to engage with actively with diversity and inclusion at all levels within our own programmes including the commissioning of research work and studies in the area.