Call for Case Studies
15 August 2019
On 18 November 2019 the Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC) and Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) are holding another joint conference on New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education at IET London: Savoy Place.
Call for Case Studies
We will be showcasing changes that have been made to engineering courses since our first conference two years ago. We are now looking for universities, and the people within them, who have led the changes to create innovative and forward-thinking degree courses. We hope to focus not just on the changes that have been made but also how they were achieved, in the following areas:
- Incorporating creativity into engineering
- Broadening student diversity
- Project work
- Industry engagement in design and delivery
- Workplace experience for students
- Interdisciplinarity
If you think you have an innovative course that fits into any of these categories then we would really like to include you as part of the day. We are looking for case studies that can either be presented at the conference or be published in the supporting document due to be published shortly after the event.
Submission process
Please download and fill out the Pro Forma document to submit your case study. Where appropriate, answers should be given in coherent paragraphs that are ready to be published with minimal editing.
Any submission will be taken as an agreement that:
- The material submitted can be published by the IET and EPC
- The submitter, or their nominee, is willing and available to present their case study at the conference either in a five-minute presentation with questions afterwards or as a poster session.
Submissions are due by Friday 13 September 2019, and we will aim to get back to you by the second week in October.
Please send the completed form, photos and logo to Hannah Conway.
Please also provide the name of the person submitting, and who would present at the conference (if it is not the same person).
Further information on the New Approaches initiative to date, including the first six case studies, can be found on the EPC website.