
Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging


Grants and Awards


£2,000,000. M Pule, K Peggs MF Lythgoe. Next generation engineered T-cell therapy for brain lymphoma. Wellcome Trust
£500,000 Jack Wells. Research fellowship awarded by the Alzheimers Society 
£350,000. MF Lythgoe, J Wells and D Thomas. Non-Invasive Imaging of Glymphatic Clearance: A Novel Strategy for the Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. EPSRC


£735,000. M.F.Lythgoe, S. Walker-Samuel, A Gourine, T Enver, J O'Keefe.  MRI system. Multimodal MRI. UCL Capital Infrastructure Award.
£850,000. S Walker-Samuel, M F Lythgoe. A preclinical magnetic resonance imaging system for neurology and oncology Wellcome Trust: Multi-User Equipment Award.
£400,000. M. Pule, K Chester, MF Lythgoe. A strategy for clinical exploration of EGFRvIII Chimeric Antigen Receptor Targeting of High Grade Glioma. CRUK Drug Discovery Committee. Biotherapeutics Drug Discovery Project Award.

£1,137,000, Tim Witney. Detecting tumour resistance to treatment using positron emission tomography. Wellcome Trust Sir Henry dale Fellowship. 
£6,000,000. M Emberton, S. Punwani, M F Lythgoe et al. MRC Infrastructure Award.  Centre for Image Guided therapy: A theranostic approach to cancer patients. MRC


£6,000,000  S. Ourselin, M.F. Lythgoe, G Zhang, D.Hawkes, G. Ress et al. UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging. EPSRC.
£980,000. T. Kalber.  Generation of Multi-Modal Imaging Mesenchymal Stem Cells.  EPSRC Senior Research Fellowship.
£180,000. UK Regenerative Medicine Platform - Safety Hub (MRC, EPSRC, BBSRC). T.Kalber, S.Patrick, MF Lythgoe. 


£955,000. S. Walker-Samuel.  Modelling barriers to drug delivery and response to therapy in solid tumours using non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging.  Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship.
£8,680,000. A Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre II (CCIC) between Kings College London (KCL) and University College London (UCL). T. Ng, D. Hawkes M. Lythgoe, P. Blower, A. Tabor et el. CRUK and EPSRC
£4,300,000. UK Regenerative Medicine Platform - Safety Hub (MRC, EPSRC, BBSRC). K. Park, M. Lythgoe. P. Murray. P. Beard, M. Pule (Plus Manchester, Liverpool and Edinburgh Coapps)  MRC Reference
£460,000. M.F.Lythgoe.  PET/CT system. UCL Capital Infrastructure Award.


£57,021 M.F.Lythgoe. EPSRC-CRUK Imaging Centre pump- priming equipment
£32,000.  M.F Lythgoe. Developmental of Optical Projection Tomography and a Light-Sheet Microscope. UCL Capital Infrastructure Award.
£870,000. S. Kasperov, A Gourine, M.F Lythgoe.  Dissection of the cellular mechanisms of functional MRI using targeted optogenetics.  Medical Research Council (MRC) UK.
£1M Eli Lilly Award: For developing new imaging for Alzheimer's disease.
£820,000. M.F.Lythgoe. Development of new imaging biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease.  Eli Lilly.


Astrazeneca Prize 2011: Won by Adrienne Campell.
SCMR Regional Scholarship Award and Early Career Award - Translational: Presented to Adrienne Campbell at the 2011 SCMR/Euro CMR Joint Scientific Sessions in Nice, France.
£150,000 M.F.Lythgoe, E Fisher and S.Ourselin, NC3Rs 4 year PhD studentship to investigate in vivo mouse phenotyping in Alzheimer's disease.


Davies Medal 2010: Presented to Mark Lythgoe for a significant contribution to the field of Imaging Science by The Royal Photographic Society, at the Royal Society, September 2010.
£157,000 award: M.F.Lythgoe, Funding from UCL Faculty of Biomedical Science for a Research Manager in CABI.
£551,094 CBRC Strategic Investment Award: S.Ourselin, D.Hawkes, M.F Lythgoe. UCL and Partner Medical Imaging Computing Initiative.
£320,000 EPSRC grant: M.F.Lythgoe and Q. Pankhurst. Magnetic Targeting and Imaging of Stem Cells.
Young Author Achievement Award: Presented to Dr Panos Krytatos by the American College of Cardiology Foundation for his outstanding manuscript.


£200,000 Wellcome Trust Society Award for the Cheltenham Science Festival: Expanding Horizons - breaking down festival boundaries. Donna Renney, Kathy Sykes, Mark Lythgoe.
£10M CRUK/EPSRC award: For the establishment of a Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre, which will enable a new molecular imaging facility (SPECT/CT and PET/CT) in CABI.
 £157,000  M.F.Lythgoe,  Funding from UCL  Faculty of Biomedical Science for a Research Manager in CABI.
£734,000 MRC Capacity Building award: For the establishment of a biomedical imaging doctoral training scheme. PhD studentships will start in Oct 2009.
£250,000 UCL Capital Infrastructure award: For the establishment of a new molecular imaging facility in CABI.
£1,918,900 EPSRC grant: Q. Pankhurst, K.Chester, M.F. Lythgoe, I.Parkin, S.Nair, S.Janes, B. Pedley. Bio-functional Magnetic Nanoparticles: Novel High-Efficiency Targeting Agents for Localised Treatment of Metastatic Cancers. EPSRC (Nanotechnology Grand Challenge - Healthcare).
£1,649,217 EPSRC grant: S. Hart, H. Hailes, A. Tabor, M.F. Lythgoe. Nanoparticles for the Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Agents to the Brain for the Treatment Dementias. EPSRC (Nanotechnology Grand Challenge - Healthcare).


£500,969: Targeted delivery and MRI tracking of magnetically labelled stem cells. BBSRC/EPSRC. M.F.Lythgoe,  Q. Pankhurst, J. Halcox, J. Martin, A. Taylor, D.G. Gadian.
£1,760,296: UCL as a Beacon of Public Engagement. HEFCE and RCUK. M. Worton. S. MacDonald, J. Abbott, L. Green, S. Jones, M Maslin, S. Miller, A Sella, M. Sudbury, M. F. Lythgoe.
£152,795: Neuroprotection by remote ischaemic preconditioning and remote ischaemic postconditioning in experimental stroke. BHF. R. MacAllister and M.F.Lythgoe.
£100,000: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Anti-Leukaemia Cell Therapy. The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund. W.Qasim,  M.F. Lythgoe, P. Lehtolainen.
£194,000: High-field post-mortem Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of fetal and neonatal brain and heart. UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre (CBRC) New Initiative Project Grant. Robertson, Taylor, Thayyil, Jacques, Sebire, Cook, Yousry, Lythgoe, Elliot.
£500,000 UCL Capital Infrastructure award: For the establishment of a platform for experimental imaging across UCL.