Fellowships Funding
Funding Schemes
The schemes listed below provide support for fellow. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and other schemes that provide similar support might be eligible for sponsorship.
CRUK Career Development Fellowship: This scheme supports new group leaders who do not have a salaried independent position to establish their own independent research group. Applications are considered from any area of their funding remit, with the exception of clinical trials and drug discovery. Funding support is provided for up to six years, or equivalent duration for part-time working.
EPSRC Open Fellowship: This scheme supports researchers who plan to deliver high-quality research with a focus on discovery science, innovation, instrumentation or technique development, or software engineering. The award covers the fellow’s salary, support for research staff as well as generous funding for research costs for a period of up to five years. No application deadline.
European Research Council Starting Grants: The scheme targets researchers with 2-7 years experience since PhD, who have the potential to become independent research leaders. The five-year award covers the fellow’s salary, support for research staff as well as generous funding for research costs. Application deadline in January.
MRC Career Development Award: This scheme supports talented post-doctoral researchers to make the transition to independent investigators. The scheme covers all areas of the MRC’s scientific remit, ranging from basic studies with relevance to mechanisms of disease to translational and developmental clinical research. The five-year award includes the fellow’s salary and support for research staff as well as generous funding for research costs. Application deadlines are in September and April.
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship: The scheme supports the transition to an independent research career for outstanding postdoctoral scientists and engineers who require a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as caring responsibilities or health issues. The award covers the fellow’s salary for five years as well as some funding for research expenses and is highly flexible to accommodate for part-time working, sabbaticals and secondments. Application deadline in November.
Royal Society University Research Fellowship: The scheme is for outstanding scientists who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field. The award covers the fellow’s salary for five years as well as some funding for research expenses. Application deadline in September.
UCL Excellence Fellowship The UCL Excellence Fellowship scheme is run by the School of Life and Medical Sciences and is open to the full range of disciplines in basic and applied life sciences. The UCL Excellence Fellowship offers salary and research funding, as well as generous funding supplements for individuals bringing externally funded fellowships to UCL.
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship: This scheme aims to develop the next wave of world-class research and innovation leaders in academia and business. The award covers the fellow’s salary, support for research staff as well as generous funding for research costs and is initially for four years (with the possibility for an additional 3-year extension). Application deadline November.
Wellcome Career Development Award: This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. The awards are up to eight years in duration and provide salary support for the fellow and additional staff as well as generous funding for research costs. Application deadlines are in November and March.