Research in the biological sciences has become increasingly computational in recent decades, with modern research often using high-performance computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyse very large and complex datsets. The Division of Biosciences has an exceptional portfolio of computational research and provides opportunities to study computational biology at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
L2D is an online course for bioscience and medicine professionals to develop skills in Python programming, data science and machine learning.
Biosciences staff teach several undergraduate programmes that include a strong focus on computational biology; for example, our Biological Sciences degree programme includes the MSci Computational Biology pathway.
The UCL MRes in Biosciences Computational Biology stream allows students to undertake a major research project and gain in-depth knowledge of computational biology, while several other MRes and MSc programmes include strong computational elements.
The Division of Biosciences has a thriving postgraduate community engaged in computational research, with students funded through a variety of sources including several Research Council PhD programmes.