UCL BiLingo takes part in the UCL Grand Challenges Showcase Event
Read a blog post about UCL BiLingo and watch the YouTube video.
Bilingualism research and its implications for school contexts
UCL BiLingo workshop for secondary school teachers on bilingualism research and its implications for school contexts.
Acquiring more than one language in childhood
A talk to the Forest Hill parents group.
Bilingual / Multilingual Children
Workshop for Croydon Adult Learning and Training (CALAT) group.
Deafness, Spoken Language Acquisition and Learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) CPD Workshop
A one day CPD workshop on Deafness, Spoken Language Acquisition and Learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) at Moray House, University of Edinburgh.
Childhood bilingualism/multilingualism: How can we support heritage languages?
A talk for parents and teachers of the Danish Saturday school in London at the Danish church.
Heritage Language Maintenance
A talk for the Croydon Council's Family Learning Department.
Childhood bilingualism/multilingalism
Workshop for Parents of the West Action Primary School.
Acquiring more than one language in childhood
Workshop for Japanese-speaking parents at West Action Primary School.
Raising bilingual and multilingual children
Workshop for the parents of the Czech School Without Borders.
Childhood Bilingualism/multilingualism and Heritage Language Maintenance
A talk for the Hungarian community at the Hungarian Cultural Centre.
Bilingual and Second Language Acquision
A workshop for teachers at Maple School in St Albans.
Exploring Multilingalism in London
A talk and stand at the UCL Festival of Culture
Language Skills for Bilingual Children
A talk for the Forest Hill Family Festival
Raising Multilingual Children
A workshop for the UCL Parents and Carers Together group.
Multilingual Children and Heritage Language Maintenance
A talk on learning more than one language in childhood for Islington's celebrations of International Mother Language Day.
Language Skills in Bilingual Children
Workshop for the Parent's Network: South East London
Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Talk for Teachers at the Czech School without Borders
Understanding and Supporting Bilingual Children
Information session for parents, organised by the ICH Mums & Dads group
Heritage Language Learning
Workshop for the teachers of the Czech School Without Borders
Bilingualism, Multilingualism & English as an Additional Language
Training session for teachers & teaching assistants
Advice for bilingual families
A talk for the Waltham Forset Bilingual Group