The following additions have been incorporated within the main bibliography but are listed here for convenience.
Bentham, Jeremy (1989) "Les calculs des plaisirs et des peines," Revue du M.A.U.S.S. 5: 69-75
Bentham, Jeremy (1989) "Déontologie," Revue du M.A.U.S.S. 5: 76-97
Bentham, Jeremy (1998) "Anarchical Fallacies," Headline Series, Foreign Policy Association 318: 56-68
Bentham, Jeremy (2003) "Panoptikum oder Das Aufsichtshaus &c.," Neue Rundschau 114: 14-35
Bentham, Jeremy (2004) Theory of Legislation; by Jeremy Bentham (Trans. from the French of Etienne Dumont, by Richard Hildreth, 2 vols. (1840; 2nd. edn. London 1864); intro., appendix, and index James E. Crimmins) (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum)
Bentham, Jeremy (2004) Défence de la liberté sexuelle: Écrits sur l'homosexualité (trans. Évelyne Meziani; ed. Christian Laval) (Paris: Mille et une nuits)
Crimmins, James E. (2004) On Bentham (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Wadsworth Philosophers Series)
McKown, Delos B. (2004) Behold the Antichrist, Bentham on Religion (New York: Prometheus Books)
Bedau, Hugo Adam (2003) "L'argument d'interférence minimale contre la peine capitale," Revue philosophique de Louvain 101: 138-50
Brooks, Thom (2002) "Utilitarianism, Capital Punishment, and Innocent Persons: A Defence of Bentham,"Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science: Special 27: 33-59
Chauvet, Christophe (2004) "Jeremy Bentham, les artifices du capitalisme," Économies et Sociétés: série Œconomia (PE) 34: 421-27
Chauvet, Christophe (2004) "Le principe de justice et le principe d'égalité au regard de l'utilitarisme benthamien: un plaidoyer en faveur de l'égalité des chances," XIe Journées d'étude de l'Association Charles Gide pour l'Étude de la Pensée Économique: Histoire des théories économiques de la justice, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 17-18 juin 2004
Cléro, Jean-Pierre (2000) "L'utilité est-elle le meilleur fondement de la tolérance?," Études littéraires 32: 133-46
Crimmins, James E. & Garay, K.E. (1991) "The C.K. Ogden Papers at McMaster University: Bibliographia Benthamiana,"Archivaria 32: 114-23
Crimmins, James E. (1998) "Genius, invention and Jeremy Bentham," Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 362: 283-302
Crimmins, James E. (1993) "Bentham's Metaphysics and the Science of Divinity," in B. Parekh (ed.) (1993) 2: 72-93 (First published (1986) Harvard Theological Review 79: 387-411)
Crimmins, James E. (1993) "Bentham on Religion: Atheism and the Secular Society," in B. Parekh (ed.) (1993) 2: 113-28 (First published (1986) Journal of the History of Ideas 47: 95-110)
Crimmins, James E. (1993)"'Bentham's Religious Writings: A Bibliographic Chronology"' in B. Parekh (ed.) (1993) 2: 129-44 (First published (1985) 'The Bentham Newsletter', 9: 21-33)
Crimmins, James E. (2004) "Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)," Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, 2 vols., 1: 95-9 (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum)
Delfour, J. J. (2000) "Relire Bentham," Commentaire 23: 459-61
Fernandez-Morera, D. (1998) "Bentham against Empire," European Legacy 3: 100-3
Gamel, C. (2001) "L'apport de la philosophie sociale à l'économie du bien-être: une question de procédure" Economies et sociétés 35: 57-85
Garcia Melero, Jos. Enrique (2000) "El panoptico de Bentham en los proyectos de la Academia: 1814-1844," Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie 7, Historia del arte 13: 293-328
Goldworth, A. (2002) "Compassionate Utilitarianism: The Unknown Bentham Revealed," Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11: 191-6
Halévy, E. (1989) "Bentham et l'utilitarisme dans la période révolutionnaire," (reprint of Halévy's text of 1901) Revue du M.A.U.S.S. 5: 53-68
Hiz, H. (1998) "The ethics of a guardian and the ethics of a legislator," Philosophical Forum 29: 50-65
Jager, M. (2000) "Beccaria in Bentham kot predhodnika ekonmiske analize kazenskega prav," Zbornik Znanstvenih Razprav 60: 97-117
Janover, L. (1989) "Liberté, Égalité, Propriété et Bentham," Economies et Sociétés 23: 97-120
Kahneman, D. (1997) "Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility," Quarterly Journal of Economics 112: 375-406
Korosec, G . (1994) "The role of fictions in law: Hume, Adam Smith and Bentham," Filozofski vestnik 15: 151-168
Lee, Kwang Yong (1996) "A Technologico-Benthamite Approach to Henry V," Milton Studies: The Journal of Milton Studies in Korea 6: 209-38
Leroux, Pierre (2000) "Le socialisme entre utilitarisme et altruisme. Petite anthologie," Revue du M.A.U.S.S. 16: 84-139
Mini, P. (1990/1) "Keynes, Bentham ed il capitalismo," Rivista di Politica Economica 73-85
Mohan Rao, J. (1999) "Freedom, Equality, Property and Bentham: The Debate Over Unfree Labour," Journal of Peasant Studies 27: 97-127
Nussbaum, M. C. (2004) "Mill between Aristotle & Bentham," Daedalus 133: 60-8
Otonashi, Michihiro (1993) "Iwayuru Bauringu-Han 'Bensamu Zenshu' No Seiritsu Keika To Henshusha Mondai" (The so-called Bowring edition of Jeremy Bentham's works and editorship issues) Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought (Japan) 31: 14-26
Pease-Watkin, Catherine (2004) "A Note on Annotating Bentham," Notes and Queries 51: 128-30
Perelman, M. (1998) "The Neglected Economics of Trust: The Bentham Paradox and Its Implication," American Journal of Economics and Sociology 57: 381-90
Perrini, M. (1995) "L'utilitarismo come visione della vita e i suoi maestri: l'aritmetica morale di Bentham," Studium 91: 371-82
Sauri, J. J. (2001) "Pritchard, Bentham y la locura moral," Acta psiquiatrica y psicologica de America Latina 47: 359-65
Schofield, Philip (2003) "Jeremy Bentham, The Principle of Utility, and Legal Positivism," Current Legal Problems 56: 1-39
Schofield, Philip (2003) "Jeremy Bentham's 'Nonsense upon Stilts,'" Utilitas 15: 1-26
Splichal, S.(2003) "Bentham, Kant and the Right to Communicate," Critical Review 15: 285-306
Stuckemann, Frank (2003) "Utilitarismus in Satire und Praxis: Swift's A Modest Proposal und Bentham's Auto-Icon im Vergleich," Germanisch Romanische Monatsschrift 53: 309-19
Vergera, F. (1995) "Utilitarisme et hédonisme: une critique d'Elie Halévy ... et de quelques autres," Économies et sociétés 29: 31-60
Viano, C. A. (1989) "Il miraggio dell'utilitarismo," Rivista
di Filosofia 80: 477-503
Buccino, Joan (1990) "Examination Of Higher Education In The Writings Of The Classical Political Economists," PhD, University of South Florida, USA
Couyoumdjian, Juan Pablo (2004) "Nineteenth-century experts and their expertise: Essays in constitutional political economy (Jeremy Bentham, Jean Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil)," PhD, George Mason University, USA
Goodlad, Lauren M.E. (1995) "Victorian Literature and the Victorian State," PhD, Columbia University, USA
Lee, J. (2002) "Bentham on the Moral and Legal Status of Animals," PhD, University of Chicago, USA
Paterneck, Margaret Ann (1989) "The Classical Liberal Concept of Law and Punishment: Hobbes, Bentham and Foucault," PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
Penrose, George Brian (1991) "The Liberal Commitment to Democracy (Bentham, Mill, Schumpeter, Pateman)," PhD, Cornell University, USA
Shafer, John Jackson (1989) "The Repudiation of the Rights of Man in the Age of Revolution," PhD, York University, Canada