The following additions have been incorporated within the main bibliography but are listed here for convenience.
OTHER EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS Bentham, Jeremy (2000) O Panóptico (ed. Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, trans. Guacira Lopes Louro (Perrot), M. D. Magno (Miller), Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (Bentham and Werret) (Belo Horizonte: Autêntica) [Contents]
Bentham, Jeremy (2008) "Gulphs in Mankind's Career of Prosperity: A Critique of Adam Smith on Interest Rate Restrictions," [selections from Defence of Usury (1787)] (ed. and pref. Daniel Klein) Econ Journal Watch 5: 66-77 ARTICLES
Aizenshtat, M.P. (2002)
"Jeremy Bentham and Russia: N.S. Mordvinov's Utilitarianism,"
The Philosophical Age 19: 28-38
Austenfeld, Thomas (2007) "A happy Naturalist? Jeremy Bentham and the cosmic morality of The Octopus," Studies in American Naturalism 2: 33-45
Baujard, A. (2006) "From moral welfarism to technical non-welfarism: A step back to Bentham's felicific calculus of its members," Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes 1 & University of Caen) from Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes 1, University of Caen and CNRS:1-36
Baum, T. (2008) "A Quest for Inspiration in the Liberal Peace Paradigm: Back to Bentham?" European Journal of International Relations 14: 431-454
Binoche, Bertrand and Jean-Pierre Clero (2008) "Jean-Louis Labussiere:
Jeremy Bentham, Bertrand Binoche et le comparatisme philosophique," Critique 64: 904-21
Carlsmith, K. M. (2008) "On justifying punishment: The discrepancy between words and actions," Social Justice Research 21(2): 119-37
Carlsmith, K. M. and J. M. Darley (2008) "Psychological Aspects of Retributive Justice," Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 40: 193-236
Clero, Jean-Pierre (2006) "La critique du "Trust" chez Bentham," Annales Litteraires-Université de Besançon 803: 117-52
Clero, Jean-Pierre (2008) "Estudio comparativo de los sofismas politcos en Bentham y Stuart Mill," in Josefa Dolores Ruiz Resa (ed.) John Stuart Mill y la Democracia del Siglo XXI (Madrid: Dykinson): 17-64
Cooper, A. (2007) "'Landscapes of language': John Clare and the cultural politics of language theory, 1820-1850," Textual Practice 21: 433-55
Couyoumdjian, J. P. (2008) "An expert at work: Revisiting Jeremy Bentham's proposals on codification," Kyklos 61: 503-19
Frey, Bruno S. and Alois Stutzer (2001) "Beyond Bentham: Measuring Procedural Utility," CESifo Working Paper No. 492: 1-32
< Working
Papers 2001/CESifo Working Papers May 2001/cesifo_wp492.pdf>5.12.08
Fuller, Catherine (2008) "Bentham, Mill, Grote, and an Analysis of the Influence of Natural Religion on the Temporal Happiness of Mankind," Journal of Bentham Studies 10
Guidi, Marco E. L. (2008) "The devil in details: Bentham's political tactics as a theory of agenda," Journal of the History of Economic Thought 30: 317-34
Hurtado, Jimena (2008) "Jeremy Bentham and Gary Becker: Utilitarianism and economic imperialism," Journal of the History of Economic Thought 30: 335-57
Husak, Douglas (2007)
"Alternative Theories of Criminalization," in Douglas
Husak Overcriminalization - The Limits of the Criminal Law (New York, Oxford University Press): 178-206
Oxford Scholarship Online. Oxford University Press
<> 4.12.08
Kaino, Michihiro (1998) "Jeremy Bentham and the Principle of Expectation," The Doshisha Law Association 49: 375-453 Departmental Bulletin Paper
Kaino, Michihiro (2008) "Bentham's Concept of Security in a Global Context: The Pannomion and the Public Opinion Tribunal as a Universal Plan," Journal of Bentham Studies 10
Leroy, Marie-Laure (2006) "Defiance méthodologique et incitation à la sociabilité dans l'utilitarisme de Bentham," Annales Litteraires-Université de Besançon 803: 89-116
Lieberman, David (2008) "Bentham's democracy," Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28: 605-26
McHugh, James T. (2008) "Utilitarianism, Punishment, and Ideal Proportionality in Penal Law: Punishment as an Intrinsic Evil," Journal of Bentham Studies 10
Milnes, Tim (2005) "'Darkening knowledge': Hazlitt and Bentham on the limits of empiricism," in Natarajan, Uttara, Tom Paulin and Duncan Wu (eds.) Metaphysical Hazlitt: bicentenary essays (London, New York: Routledge): 125-36
Quinn, Michael (2008) "A Failure to Reconcile the Irreconcilable? Security, Subsistence and Equality in Bentham's Writings on the Civil Code and on the Poor Laws," History of Political Thought 29: 320-43
Rosen, Frederick (2008) "Bentham, Jeremy," in P. Cane and J. Conaghan (eds.) The New Oxford Companion to Law, (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 73
Shusterman, Ronald (2005) "Thinking by numbers; or, Cultural memory after the 'end' of art," Real 21: 365-78
Trincado-Aznar, Estrella (2008) "Development economics versus welfare economics: A different philosophy of life," Revista de Economia Mundial 18: 141-54
Wolfe, A. (2008) "Hedonic Man: A revolution is taking place in economics, and it promises to explain
human happiness. A critical look at the unexpected return of Jeremy Bentham,"
New Republic 238: 47-53
Bozzo-Rey, Malik (2008) "Le statut du principe d'utilité dans la philosophie politique de Jeremy Bentham," PhD, l'Université de Paris X, Nanterre, France
Welch, Brenda Jean (2008) "Charles Dickens's "Bleak House": Benthamite jurisprudence and the law, or what the law is and what the law ought to be," PhD, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA