- The Bentham Project hosted the New Directions in Bentham Studies symposium on Friday 13 December 2013. Download the agenda as a PDF.
- Dr Michael Quinn has written a response to Jeremy Seabrook's recent Guardian comment on Jeremy Bentham and the Poor Laws.
- Professor Philip Schofield's review article on recent Bentham scholarship has been published in the Annual Review of Law and Social Science.
- Professor Peter Clarke (Cambridge) gave a lecture entitled 'The intellectual consequences of the First World War' on Wednesday 27 November at 6pm in the Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, dedicated to the memory of Prof. J.H. Burns.
- Professor Philip Schofield gave a talk on Bentham's Auto-Icon as part of the Bloomsbury Festival in UCL's South Cloisters on Saturday 19 October 2013.
- Members of the Project were featured on BBC Radio 4 on 27 August 2013, discussing Bentham's ideas, manuscripts and his Panopticon prison kitchen! Listen to a recording of the feature or watch a short video.
- Transcribe Bentham, in collaboration with Design with Heritage, hosted a free exhibition entitled 'Panopticon: Experimental Tales of Jeremy Bentham' at UCL's North Lodge, Gower Street, between 15 August and 5 September 2013. Download the exhibition poster as a PDF.
- A new Transcribe Bentham leaflet and poster are available for download.
- The Auto-Icon made a surprise visit to UCL Council on 10 July (See also: Metro newspaper article).
- An upgraded version of the Transcribe Bentham transcription interface was launched to the public on 15 July. Visit the Transcription Desk in order to view and transcribe unpublished Bentham manuscripts!
- The Bentham Project welcomed Professor Gonzalo Ramírez from the Universidad Externado de Colombia in July, who delivered two seminars for our series Bentham and Colombia.
- Jon Elster's new book Securities against Misrule takes its inspiration from Bentham.
- Professor Philip Schofield delivered a talk on 'Jeremy Bentham on the Sexuality of Jesus' at the UCL Festival of the Arts on Thursday 9 May 2013.
- The Bentham Project published online a preliminary edition of Jeremy Bentham's Not Paul, but Jesus Vol. III.
- The Third International Seminar of the European Network of Utilitarian Scholars (E-NOUS) took place at the University of Granada between 6 and 8 May 2013.
- Economic Justice: The social philosophy in John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism by Huei-chun Su (Honorary Research Fellow at the Bentham Project) has recently been published by Routledge.
- An article in the British Academy Review discusses Transcribe Bentham and the work of the Bentham Project.
2013 Bentham Seminars (Wednesdays 11:00am - 1:00pm. Seminar Room 8 of the Gideon Schreier Wing, Bentham House, University College London)
- 6 March 2013: Dr Michael Quinn (UCL), Popular Prejudices, Real Pains: what is the legislator to do when the people err in assigning mischief?
- 20 March 2013: Dr Huei-chun Su (UCL), John Stuart Mill on Bentham's Concept of Human Nature