Giorgos Gouzoulis is a Research Associate at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).
The common thread to Giorgos’ research is its interdisciplinary approach to theorising and empirically investigating the multidirectional feedback between inequality, political power, and public policy. His current research explores the causes and consequences of income inequality in emerging markets, and scrutinises the political and economic drivers of crises. At IIPP, Giorgos is working on theorising and mapping modern economics rents with Professor Mariana Mazzucato and Dr Josh Ryan-Collins.
He has co-authored and is currently co-authoring papers on relevant topics with colleagues from the University of Cambridge, King’s College London, City University of London, Goldsmiths, Birkbeck, and the University of Greenwich. More details on his research can be found in his personal website and ResearchGate profile.
Selected publications
- Academic working papers
- Gouzoulis, G. and Constantine, C. (2020). Determinants of income shares and the stable middle in post-socialist China. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2020-03). Available at:
- Gouzoulis, G. and Constantine, C. (2020). The Political Economy of Inequality in Chile and Mexico: Two Tales of Neoliberalism. SOAS Economics Working Papers, No 235.
- Galanis, G. and Gouzoulis, G. (2020). Financialisation, Working Conditions, and Contagion in Developing Economies. Post-Keynesian Economics Society (Working Paper 2018).
- Mazzucato, M., Ryan-Collins, J., and Gouzoulis, G. (2020). ‘Theorising and Mapping Modern Economic Rents.’ UCL IIPP Working Paper Series (In Press).
- Papadopoulou, A. and Gouzoulis, G. (2019). Social structures of accumulation in Greece, 1980- 2014. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Working Paper Series (IIPP WP 2019-11). Available at:
- Book chapters
- Stockhammer, E. and Gouzoulis, G. (2019). ‘A Wage-led growth recovery policy agenda for Advanced and Developing Economies beyond the Neoliberal era’. In Chena, P.I. and Biscay, P.M. (Eds) El imperio de las finanzas: Deuda y desigualdad. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila. [In Spanish]
- Journal articles
- Gouzoulis, G. (2020). Finance, Discipline and the Labour Share in the Long‐Run: France (1911–2010) and Sweden (1891–2000). British Journal of Industrial Relations. DOI: 10.1111/bjir.12576
- Papadopoulou, A. and Gouzoulis, G. (2020). Social Structures of Accumulation in Greece, 1980-2014. Review of Political Economy, 32(2), (In Press).
- Gouzoulis, G. and Constantine, C. (2019). Class Conflict, Fiscal Policy, and Wage-led Demand: A Model of Kalecki’s Political Business Cycle. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 10(2), 51-69.
- Policy reports
- Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (2020). Inequality, Unemployment and Precarity. UCL IIPP COVID-19 Briefing Papers 02 (May 2020).