BSP Researchers at the 2021 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
20 April 2021
Lauren Andres, Associate Professor, and Paul Moawad, Doctoral Researcher and Professor Fulong Wu participated in the 2021 American Association of Geographers (Online) Annual Conference on the 7-11 April.

Fulong Wu presented the Urban Geography Plenary Lecture. His paper, entitled 'The long shadow of the state: financializing the Chinese city', will be published in the journal of Urban Geography. He also delivered a talk to this year’s keynote session of the China Geography Speciality Group of AAG.
Lauren organised two sessions with John Bryson, University of Birmingham, on ‘Geographies of Improvisation, Rapid Adaptation and of the Temporary’.
Both Paul and Lauren presented several papers. These included two papers together. The first paper, based on their current ongoing research, looked at: “Ill-health spaces of exception during the COVID-19 pandemic: control, fear and immobility for Syrian refugees living Informal tented settlements (ITSs) in Lebanon”.
The second paper, along with Stuart Denoon-Stevens, UFS – South Africa, explored “Bricolage and improvisation in the process of everyday ‘place shaping’: learning from informal settlements in South Africa and Lebanon”. Insights from the recently completed ESRC/NRF SAPER project, PIs Andres/Denoon-Stevens, and Paul’s work on Syrian refugees were used here.
In a separate session, Paul also shared results from his research. His presentation focused on “Unwrapping the multi-level control and subordination mechanisms and their impact on refugees living in ITSs on the Lebanese-Syrian borderscape”.
Finally, outcomes from the ESRC/NRF SAPER project were presented by Lorena Melgaço, former research fellow, looking at “Spatial injustice and socio-spatial divides in South Africa: what can planning and planners do?” and drawing upon the results summarised in the end of project report.
The report is available online from:
- View Paul Moawad's profile on the BSP website.
- View Lauren Andres' profile on the BSP website.
- View Fluong Wu's profiled on the BSP website.
- View the American Association of Geographers website.