Thinking Cities: Debating Just Development in the Global South
View all episodes of the Thinking Cities: Debating Just Development in the Global South series.

*Please note, this was recorded in a pre COVID-19 era, so doesn't reflect emerging reflections and implications.
Prof Camillo Boano and Giovanna Astolfo
Dr Alessio Koliulis
Further Reading
(2006) Special Issue Urban Refugees. Journal of Refugee studies. 19 (3)
Boano, C., Astolfo, G. (2020). Notes around Hospitality as Inhabitation Engaging with the Politics of Care and Refugees’ Dwelling Practices. Migration and Society: Advances in Research. Forthcoming
Brun, C. (2016) There is no future in humanitarianism: Emergency, temporality and protracted displacement. History and Anthropology. 27 (4)
Escobar, A. (2003) Displacement, Development, and Modernity in the Colombian Pacific. International Social Science Journal. 55 (175):157–67
Fawaz, M. (2016) Planning and the Refugee Crisis: Informality as a Framework of Analysis and Reflection. Planning Theory. 16: 99–115
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E. (2012) Invisible Refugees and/or Overlapping Refugeedom? Protecting Sahrawis and Palestinians Displaced by the 2011 Libyan Uprising. International Journal of Refugee Law. 24(2):263-293
Landau, L.B. (2019) A Chronotope of Containment Development: Europe’s Migrant Crisis and Africa’s Reterritorialization. Antipode. 51(1):169-186.
Murrani, S. (2019) Contingency and Plasticity: The Dialectical Re-construction of the Concept of Home in Displacement. Journal of Culture and Psychology. Online.
Sanyal, R. (2014) Urbanizing Refuge: Interrogating Spaces of Displacement. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 38(2):558–72
Sigona, N (2016) Everyday statelessness: status, rights and camps. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 39 (2): 263-279
Tazzioli, M. (2016) Border displacements. Challenging the politics of rescue between Mare Nostrum and Triton. Migration Studies. 4 (1): 1–19.
Vertovec, S. (2007) Superdiversity and its implications. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 30(6):1024– 1054
Polzer, T. Hammond, L. (2008) Invisible Displacement. Journal of Refugee Studies. 21 (4): 417-431