


Astrea News

Aparna Murthy, co chair of Astrea

Spotlight on... Aparna Murthy

Astrea co-chair Aparna tells UCL News about her previous life behind the TV camera, and an upcoming aquatic adventure...

Alice Chilver

Spotlight on... Alice Chilver

Meet Alice Chilver, one of Astrea's original co-founders. We chat to Alice to mark the ten year anniversary of the Astrea network.

Weronika Benning, Hannah Biggs, and Rhiannon Williams

Revisiting our Inspirational Female Line Managers - Introductions and Inspirations

Last year, Astrea launched a campaign inviting members of the network to send us their stories celebrating truly supportive line managers. Astrea recently caught up with three of our Inspirational Female Line Managers to reflect on their nominations, share their personal experiences of leadership and their own inspirational female line managers, as well as diving into how they cope with managing change and supporting staff career development.

Colleagues chatting at the Happy to Chat bench at Bidborough House

Meet Ian Dancy: Happy to Chat project sponsor

Ian Dancy, Executive Director of Operations, Campus Experience & Infrastructure, met with Pip Jackson, Astrea Co-chair and Head of Inclusive Environments for a chat on World Mental Health Day.

Selfie of Aparna with the sea in the background.

Spotlight on... Aparna Murthy

Meet Aparna, Programme Analyst in the Programme Management Office and Co-Chair of Astrea alongside Ferdouse Akhter and Pip Jackson.

Photograph of Ferdouse recording a podcast with a microphone.

Spotlight on... Ferdouse Akhter

Meet Ferdouse, the Marketing and Community Manager at the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Co-Chair of Astrea alongside Aparna Murthy and Pip Jackson.

Launch of the Happy to Chat bench in the UCL Main Quad

Happy to Chat bench launch

The launch of our inaugural bench in the UCL Main Quad took place on Monday 11 September with Aimie Chapple, Vice-President (Operations).

Members of the Astrea community came together to celebrate the occasion and take part in a standing yoga session.

These eye-catching benches serve the whole UCL community, to combat loneliness by providing opportunities to connect with people

Stop by to try out the bench and post your photos on social media using #UCLHappytoChatBenches

Liz Mooney standing behind one of the Astrea happy to chat benches

Spotlight on... Liz Mooney

Meet Liz, Senior Project Manager at Digital Campus Experience, and one of the Deputy Co-Chairs for UCL Astrea. Here, she chats to UCL News about her latest project leading the instalment of ‘Happy to Chat’ benches at UCL.

Graphic of various women in profile

Astrea Celebrates Inspirational Female Line Managers

Find out more about our campaign, where we invited members of the network to send us their stories celebrating truly supportive line managers. You can also catch up on the recording of the round-table discussion and Q&A with some of the fantastic nominees.

Athena Swan logo image

Spotlight on Athena Swan

How the gender equality charter is supporting women in Professional Services at UCL By Ana Faro, EDI Project Manager at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Astrea Policy Lead

Natalie Humphrey

A day in the life of Natalie Humphrey

Take a look at a day in the life of different women working in Professional Services across UCL. This feature is on Natalie Humphrey, Head of Student Support and Wellbeing at UCL.


A day in the life of Giselle Tesoro

Take a look at a day in the life of different women working in Professional Services across UCL. This feature is on Giselle Tesoro, Training Operations and Digital Learning Lead.

nicola brewer

Astrea Interviews Dame Nicola Brewer

The Astrea team sat down with Dame Nicola Brewer, Vice Provost International to discuss her incredible career and especially her experiences of leadership.