Creative Health MASc
The programme is designed to teach students how to connect scholarship with professional practice and policy in the fields of creative health (also known as arts and health), social prescribing and community-based approaches to public health. The programme will provide interdisciplinary perspectives on creative health.
The modules draw on different approaches to assessing skills and knowledge so that students can develop a diverse set of skills needed for working in creative health. These include: presenting, team working, applying theory to practice, translating research into policy and practice, project management and planning, policy analysis, time management and critical thinking.
To meet this need the MASc in Creative Health offers a range of taught and research-led modules providing students with a detailed understanding of the depth and breadth of the field, including professional practice (such as social prescribing), policy shift and research innovation, related to all aspects of socially engaged work across arts, culture, heritage, creativity, nature and the outdoors.
Why study this programme?
The Creative Health MASc is the first of its kind in the UK, providing the first MASc programme for a planned Masters level ‘Arts and Sciences’ degree at postgraduate level that concentrates on arts and health sciences. There is a clearly identified need for more training opportunities for those interested in working at the interface of arts and health (see 'Creative Health Inquiry' APPG for Arts, Health and Wellbeing). This need is particularly acute given the very limited opportunities available for healthcare/arts/creative professionals, researchers or people from wider backgrounds interested in creative health to receive specific training.
Watch our four part series below with former MASc student Beth as she talks to Prof Helen Chatterjee and Dr Thomas Kador about why she chose to study the Creative Health MASc.

“I am delighted to support the development of UCL’s exciting new MASc in Creative Health which directly addresses Recommendation 8 in the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing’s Inquiry Report ‘Creative Health’:
‘We recommend that the education of clinicians, public health specialists and other health and care professionals includes accredited modules on the evidence base and practical use of the arts for health and wellbeing outcomes. We also recommend that arts education institutions initiate undergraduate and postgraduate courses and professional development modules dedicated to the contribution of the arts to health and wellbeing’ (2017, p.155).”