This project builds on decades of research on the mudbrick structures of the Merv Oasis, including:
- The amazing photographs and descriptions published by Valentin Alekseevich Zhukovskii (1894)
The Great Kyz Kala in the 19th century (V.A. Zhukovskii)
- YuTAKE, an extensive archaeological survey of South Turkmenistan carried out by Soviet archaeologists in the middle decades of the 20th century; in particular, research published by Galena Pugachenkova and Professor Mikhail Evgenievich Masson.
- Architectural and photographic survey carried out by the International Merv Project (British Museum & UCL in the 1990s) and Ancient Merv Project (UCL 2001-present).
- Extensive conservation monitoring by the Ancient Merv Project (including Annie Upson & Louise Cooke in the 2000s).
- 3D laser scanning and high definition photography by Jason Barton (UCL) and Joseph Severn (Plowman Craven & Associates), with the support of Duncan Lees. The laser scan data and imagery material is archived and freely available via the CyArk archive