
Institute of Archaeology


Further Reading and Links

Barton, J (2009) 3D laser scanning and the conservation of earthen architecture: A case study at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Merv, Turkmenistan in 'World Archaeology' 41: 3, p. 489-504

Cooke, L (2007) The archaeologist's challenge or despair: reburial at Merv, Turkmenistan, Conservation and management of archaeological sites 9 (2): 97-11                

Cooke, L (2010) Conservation Approaches to Earthen Architecture in Archaeological Contexts. Oxford: Archaeopress

CyArk: Merv Archive accessible http://archive.cyark.org/ancient-merv-intro

Hermann, G (1999) Monuments of Merv: Traditional Buildings of the Karakum. London: Society of Antiquaries

Ministry of Culture Turkmenistan (1998) 'Nomination of Merv', Government of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat available http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/nominations/886.pdf

Pugachenkova GA (1958) Пути Развития Архитектуры Южного Туркменистана Поры Рабовладения и Феодализма (The Development of the Architecture of Southern Turkmenistan under the Slave-Owning and Feudal Periods) Труды ЮТАКЭ, VI. Moscow:Izdatel'stvoAkademii Nauk SSSR

Teutonico, J M & Matero, F (eds) (2003) Managing change: Sustainable approaches to the conservation of the built environment. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute

Williams, T (2002) Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan: Research, conservation and management at a world heritage site, Archaeology International 6: 40-43 http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ai.0612

Williams, T (2004) Conservation issues of Ancient Merv monuments, MIRAS 14: 140-144

Williams, T (2012) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photography: Exploring the Medieval City of Merv on the Silk Roads of Central Asia, Archaeology International 15: 54-68

Williams, T and van der Linde, S (2008) The Urban Landscapes of Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan (online database) http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/archives/view/merv_ahrc_2008/index.cfm

Zhukovskii, V A (1894) Drevnosti Zakaspiiskago kraia: razvaliny starago Merva [Antiquities from the Zakaspi Territory: the ruins of Ancient Merv]. St Petersburg: Tip. glav. upravleniia udielov [Typography of Main Board of Principalities]