
Institute of Archaeology


Sonja B. Grimm - Honorary Research Fellow

Sonja Grimm

Name: Dr Sonja B. Grimm 

Honorary Title: Honorary Research Fellow 

Email: s.grimm@ucl.ac.uk 

IoA staff nominator’s name and email address:  

Rhiannon Stevens rhiannon.stevens@ucl.ac.uk 


IoA involvement:  

Between 2015-2016, Sonja joined Rhiannon Stevens’ ERC-funded UP-NORTH Project team as a Postdoctoral researcher for Archaeology and Radiocarbon Dating. Although she has been working on another research project since late 2016, she remains a close collaborator of the UP-NORTH project as consultant about questions related to Upper and Final Palaeolithic archaeology and co-authoring some of the UP-NORTH articles. 


Selected recent publications

  • S. B. Grimm, Resilience and Re-organisation of Social Systems during the Weichselian Lateglacial in Northwest-Europe. An evaluation of the archaeological, climatic, and environmental records. Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 128 (Mainz, in press). (probably: 2018)
  • M. Bradtmöller, S. Grimm, J. Riel-Salvatore, Resilience theory in archaeological practice - An annotated review. Quaternary International 446, 2017, 3-16.
  • M.-J. Weber, S. B. Grimm, M. Baales, Between warm and cold - Impact of Dryas III on human behavior in Central Europe. Quaternary International 242, 2011, 277-301.
  • S. B. Grimm, M.-J. Weber, The chronological framework of the Hamburgian in the light of old and new 14C dates. Quartär 55, 2008, 17-40.
  • M. Baales, S. Grimm, O. Jöris, Hunters of the "Golden Mile". The late Allerød Federmessergruppen Site at Bad Breisig, Central Rhineland, Germany. Notae Praehistoricae 21, 2001, 67-72.