
Institute of Archaeology


Mike Corbishley - Honorary Associate Professor

Mike Corbishley

Name: Mike Corbishley

Honorary Title: Honorary Associate Professor

Email: m.corbishley@ucl.ac.uk

IoA staff nominator's name and email address:

Tim Williams tim.d.williams@ucl.ac.uk


IoA involvement:

Mike has been teaching on the MA module ARCL0127 Archaeology and Education in collaboration with Tim Williams and Gai Jorayev since 2003. Mike supervises BA and MA students as required. He founded and ran the Institute’s Young Archaeologists Club branch with Sarah Dhanjal and has been a guest editor for two issues of The Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.



Selected recent publications

The Origins and Growth of Archaeology and Education in the Oxford Handbook of the History of Archaeology, Oxford University Press. Forthcoming Summer 2021.

Corbishley, M. Pinning Down the Past: Archaeology, Heritage and Education Today, 2011. The Boydell Press.

Corbishley, M, Fordham, Walmsley, D and Ward, J., 2008. Learning beyond the classroom: archaeological sites and schools., 2008. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 10 (1): 79-51.

Corbishley, M, 2005. Ancient Cities of Merv: Handbook for Teachers. UCL.

Corbishley, M and Jorayev, G., 2014. Politics, Archaeology and Education: Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan in Public Participation in Archaeology (eds) S. Thomas and J. Lea. Newcastle University/The Boydell Press. 119-128.