Name: Dr Helen R. Haines Honorary Title: Honorary Senior Research Fellow Email: IoA staff nominator’s name and email address: Jose Oliver |
- Profile
IoA involvement:
Helen’s research focuses on archaeological investigations at Ka’kabish, an ancient Maya city in northcentral Belize. The research area abuts that of Elizabeth Graham, who is the PI for the Lamanai Archaeological Project. Their research has shown the history of these two sites was closely intertwined. Along with collaborating on research papers, Elizabeth Graham and Helen also work together supervising students, with IoA undergraduates attending her field school, and she has also provided field supervision for PhD students.
- Publications
Selected recent publications
Haines, H.R., and K.L. Sagebiel. 2019 “When We Two Parted”: Remaking the Ancient Maya Political Landscape of North-Central Belize. In Seeking Conflict in Mesoamerica: Operational, Cognitive, and Experiential Approaches, edited by Shawn G. Morton and Meaghan Peuramaki-Brown, pp. 101-121. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.
Sagebiel, K.L., and H.R. Haines 2018 ‘Fools Make Feasts and Wise Men Eat Them”: Interpreting Problematic ‘Smash and Trash” Deposits at Ka’kabish, Belize. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, vol. 14: 115-120
Haines, H.R., K.L. Sagebiel, and C. Belanger 2017 Is and Isn’t produce each other: An Unusual Architectural Amalgamation at Ka’kabish. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, vol. 14: 123-134.
Haines, H.R., and C.G. Helmke 2016 Painted Hieroglyphs from Tomb FA-6/1 at Ka’Kabish, Belize. Mexicon XXXVIII (5): 120-126.
Haines, H.R., E. Graham, K.L. Sagebiel, and L. Howie 2016 “There is no death! What seems so is transition”: Difficulties in identifying political boundaries between Lamanai and Ka’kabish. Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology, vol. 13: 169-18