
Institute of Archaeology


Hassan Limane - Honorary Senior Research Fellow


Name: Prof Hassan Limane

Honorary Title: Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Email: h.limane@ucl.ac.uk

IoA staff nominator and email:

Corisande Fenwick c.fenwick@ucl.ac.uk



Hassan is Professor at the Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine of Morocco.  He is co-director with Corisande Fenwick and Elizabeth Fentress of the Moroccan-British field project at the UNESCO site of Volubilis, Morocco, a project running between 2018-2022 as a collaboration between INSAP and UCL. He was also co-director of the first INSAP-UCL project at Volubilis between 2000-2005. He is jointly responsible for directing the programme of research and publishing the results, as well as teaching UCL and INSAP students the principles of excavation and post-excavation processing. He is currently supporting a number of PhD students at the Institute.


Selected recent publications

  • Fentress,E., Fenwick, C. and H. Limane, ‘Early Medieval Volubilis: The Archaeology of a Berber Town’, Hespéris-Tamuda 55 (2020 – in press)
  • Fentress, E. and Limane, H. (eds.) 2018. Volubilis après Rome: Les Fouilles UCL/INSAP, 2000-2005. Leiden: Brill.
  • Rebuffat, R. et H.Limane, 2011. Carte Archéologique du Maroc Antique: Au sud du Loukkos, Cartes Arbaoua-Lalla Mimouna-Moulay Bou Selham
  • Fentress, E., and H. Limane. "Excavations in Medieval settlements at Volubilis. 2000-2004." Cuadernos de Madînat al-Zahra 7 (2010): 105-122.